
Today, Barb is: feeling tackled by Rhian.
and rats to her!

Tackled by Rhian

Now for a little bit of lighter fare. Rhian tagged me for this Meme. . So the instructions and links and peep-tags are now at the bottom -

The riveting questions you wanted to know but were afraid to ask:

  • What were you doing 10 years ago?
    - I would have been 14. In junior high school.
    - I had my friends, school and band. i was a band geek.
  • What were you doing 1 year ago?
    - finishing up my last full year of college
    - just starting to work at home depot and continuing to work at E&G's
    - living with the best roommate and one not-so-good roommate.
  • Five snacks you enjoy:
    - cheese... any kind, any time.
    - dorito chips and others like that.
    - peanut butter m&m's
    - strawberries and other fruits
    - ummm, yea.

  • Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
    - Samson by Regina Spektor
    Drop me in the middle by Natasha Beddingfeild
    Not Ready to Make Nice by the Dixie Chicks
  • - Mass Destruction by Faithless
    Punkrocker by the TeddyBears

  • Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
    - travel all around the world constantly
    - share it with the family
    - fund medical and social work for third world countries
    - save and invest a lot of it so i dont' have to work a whole lot.
    - use my money power for good, not evil

  • Five bad habits:
    - lazy
    - reading too much
    - not following through on new things if i am not instantly good at them
    - watching to much tv
    - spending to much time on my new laptop

  • Five things you like doing:
    - reading
    - traveling
    - unicycling
    - spending time with my friends and family
    - other stuff too.

  • Five things you would never wear again:
    - spandex
    - that one top that i wore that one night..... bleck
    - dresses
    - stuff with lots and lots of pattern
    - string bikini (never worn one, nor will i ever)

Rhi's INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot.
- SusieJ
- Wylie's Words
- Red's Red Pages
- Rhi's From My Brain to Yours
-Barb's --that would be me.

Next select five people to tag because these were the riveting questions you wanted to know but were afraid to ask, not sure if this would work... but here goes!

  1. Jim
  2. Anya Bast
  3. Daisey Dexter Dobbs
  4. Christie
  5. You!!!!

1 comment:

Rhian said...

heeehhheeeee - "use money power for good not evil" - you crack me up. Great answers - i shoulda known better than to read this post while drinking coffee. dagnabit.