
Today, Barb is: still chugging away!

so barbs current life is starting to come to a head.
in a matter of days (5 to be exact) i will be finishing with a very big part of my life. college.

yes ladies and gentlemen, barb is GRADUATING!!!!!!!!
college is going to be over and done with for a few years atleast, and barb is into the real world.

i have a job lined up and everything, i am very impressed with myself!

yea for me!


Today, Barb is: hungry, sad, happy, and excited all at once.

well, there are reasons for all of them.

First, I am hungry. Well I consider that self-explanatory, I haven't eaten breakfast and so now at 11am I am hungry.

Sad? Barb is sad because Wisconsin passed the marrige ban. It was hyped up as being a ban against gay marrige. But the reality of it is, that it will affect straight people to. It basically says that only one man and one woman can legally be married and have all the rights and benefits. What they don't tell you is that it takes away all the benefits that straight couples who are in committed relationships have also. Not to mention that gay marrige is illegal in WI now, which is wrong, because I am pretty sure that it is using the constitution to discriminate!

Happy!! Happy? Happy. Happy because Donald is out, us Democrats have both the House and the Senate, and it is a major turning point for our country.

Barb gets to spend time with Erin and Matt tonight! I am going to hang out with them tonight, play some Chibi-robo and have a grand ole time.



Today, Barb is: sitting in the public library being cold.
or you could say that i am lying here depreciating.

so there is this commercial on TV and it is people talking to a bush. they are asking about affordable health care, and stem cell research, and getting out of iraq, setting

be back soon


Today, Barb is: tired

yep still here.

still working.
still going to college.
still living at home.
still working at home depot.

all in all the life is still going and i am going right along with it.
i went and dropped my aunt peggy off at the airport today because she is leaving for turkey in a matter of hours, actually she might be on her plane right now. we had fun. i went to pick her up, we had lunch at Noodles and Company and then had dessert at Coldstone Creamery. we then proceeded to the airport. i dropped her off and then got stuck in 20 minutes of a detour because of stupid 494!!! i ended up being almost 15 mins late for class, but i didn't care.

now i am off to work again.
its like a total cycle


Today, Barb is: back within the same week for a second post!

so. the computer that i own (and my brother/s built for me when i graduated from high school over five years ago) is sorta kinda a peice of crap. i am trying to decide (with Joe's help) if i just want to upgrade it or if i just want to bite the big bullet and buy a new laptop. take into consideration that i am saving money becaue i am living at home with my parents, but that is offset by the increase in gas expenditures. but i am still saving money. that i am hoping will be able to go to a car/house/living expences when i find a new job. i would be able to deal with spending a few hundred to get the desktop updated. but i do fully enjoy the thoughts of having a laptop that i can drag around with me a heck of a lot easier than the desktop.

so. the question arises.
do i upgrade my desktop?
do i wait until thanksgiving/christmas and buy a cheapy generaric laptop?
do i wait until thanksgiving/christmas and buy a newer kinda on sale laptop?
do i go on craigslist and try to get one there?

i will be more than willing to take a poll and find out.
so... GO

confused barb
Today, Barb is: back within the same week for a second post!

so. the computer that i own (and my brother/s built for me when i graduated from high school over five years ago) is sorta kinda a peice of crap. i am trying to decide (with Joe's help) if i just want to upgrade it or if i just want to bite the big bullet and buy a new laptop. take into consideration that i am saving money becaue i am living at home with my parents, but that is offset by the increase in gas expenditures. but i am still saving money. that i am hoping will be able to go to a car/house/living expences when i find a new job. i would be able to deal with spending a few hundred to get the desktop updated. but i do fully enjoy the thoughts of having a laptop that i can drag around with me a heck of a lot easier than the desktop.

so. the question arises.
do i upgrade my desktop?
do i wait until thanksgiving/christmas and buy a cheapy generaric laptop?
do i wait until thanksgiving/christmas and buy a newer kinda on sale laptop?
do i go on craigslist and try to get one there?

i will be more than willing to take a poll and find out.
so... GO

confused barb


Today, Barb is: stress free which means twitch free!!!!

whoop whoop to the no eye twitch.
as kristene posted it may have been because of stress but i don't think i was stressed out at all. but i don't care. because all i do care about is that i don't have a twitching eye now

be back soon


Today, Barb is: going crazy because of a stupid eye twitch!!!

so it is official, i have had this eye twitch for over 24 hours and it is really starting to bother me! i don't know why it is twitching, but it is the first time it has ever happened.

eye twitch + barb + long time! = annoyance!

so far school is going good. we are about a third of the way through which means i will be graduating soon.

there isn't really a whole lot to report.
still living at home, still working at Home Depot, just hanging in there.



the world may continue spinning, barb is back!

ok. so i know that it has been a while since i have last posted, ok.. so it has been a LONG WHILE. i have finally slowed myself down a bit and am sitting at a computer for longer than 10 minutes. why? becuase school started!!!

but i am getting ahead of myself a bit here. lets go back to my last post and catch you all up on what has been going on with me lately.

so i started working at the Home Depot (sorry christie, there is no discount unfortunatley, i dont even get a discount and i work there, so i am not going to be able to hook you up with anything, sorry!)

i do enjoy it there. more so the people that i work with rather than the actual job, because standing on cement for 8 hours a day is really not fun. the customers are too bad. there are the few here and there that make me want to slam their face into the cement blocks they are purchasing, but for the most part, i love my customers.

i did finish with all three of my classes for the summer. i got two B's and an a. A WHAT?????!?!?!?! an A!!!
so yea.

i have officially moved back home with the parents. it is kinda scary, but it needs to be done. money will be saved more of, but slightly more spent on gas for commuting 4 days a week. the moving part wasn't to horrible, because i have AMAZING friends; Erin, Matt and John. They came and helped move me out of the apartment and into the parents house. they are some of the best friends a girl could wish for! but they are all going to be busy during december and january so they won't be able to come with me to do any traveling. so, i am looking for a new travel buddy and possibly a new travel destination. i haven't written the west coast off yet, but there are quite a few states that i haven't been to yet.

lets see, so today is the last first day of school for me!!!
and to celebrate mom took me to IHOP for breakfast. it was ok food, but the waitress totally forgot about us and we didn't get anything to drink until after the food came. we had our juice before we had our water!

and then today was my first day, but my real first class was cancelled, i don't know why, but i got an email a week ago from the prof saying that we weren't going to have class until friday morning. so that meant that my first class was BOWLING! i was super super excited, but alas upon arrival of the teacher he talked for 10 minutes and then sent us on our way. no bowling for barb :-(

i have two more classes today, my enemy math. Stats actually and then Small Business Management also later tonight. so yea. i have a full schedule when it actually gets going in full swing. i did spend 15 minutes getting my whole schedule into my Palm so i have it programmed to tell me where i need to be at and where i need to be going.

i think this will be all for now.
i hope you have all had your fill of me. i may be back today, i may be back tomorrow, i may not be back for a month. you never know.


ok ok ok. don't freak out. i am still alive.

well, after the pulling and cutting and burning of branches, i threw my back out. so i was pretty much mostly not moving a whole lot for about 4 days. and when i was moving i was normally crying because i was in so much pain. i did go to see the doctor and she put me on my 800mg of ibuprofen 3 times a day just like when i had my TMJ. so me and my ibuprofen have been pretty close.

so what else is going on...
well my second class started. Operations Management. going really well so far.
jim and kristene came over and spend some time in Newport. didn't get to spend much of anytime with them because i had to work on sunday and then i had to go to class on monday when they were acutually home.
i went to Shilohs (brett and cori's daughter) birthday party. it was very fun to see everyone again.
joe and kim came back from Nationals with a bunch of medals.
mom, dad and i are going up to the Shepards Cabin this coming weekend so that will be fun.

i am gainfully employed by Home Depot now, so if anyone out there needs anything, let me know. i am not above abusing my discount.

my lease is officially up at the end of August, so if anyone is interested in helping me move, just let me know. i am going to try to space it out over like a week or so, becasue then i have have my room at the parents house cleaned up and ready to remove back into.

that is about all that is going on really, i think.
but i have to get back to my homework.

So after graduation in December I am thinking of going to visit some family in Oregon for a couple weeks. my friend Erin is also thinking of coming because her grandparents live in Seattle and she has never been out there is visit them and so we are thinking of doing some Washington State and Oregon State touring.


Today, Barb is: nursing all her bug bites.

so. my dad, his friend friend dave and i have been tearing down a bunch of trees and branches because they are all dead. my job has been to cut the branches smaller and burn them. it has been pretty fun so far. but my legs have been getting covered with mosquito bites so that hurts of course.

guess what?
i cut my hair and dyed it also! it looks really cute. it is really short, like to my ears short!!! and it is a red-brown color to. i love it alot!


Today, Barb is: still kinda of in pain.

so. Monday went and was diagnosed with TMJ.
tuesday, was still in a bunch of pain.
couldn't get ANY sleep on Tuesday night.
called wednesday to get an appointment because the dr told me to call back if i was still in pain. went in and got a shot of steriods in the joint. went to the dentist and made an appointment to get fitted for a mouth guard for when i sleep. so i have that appointment on tuesday for my fitting.

today i am starting to get better. i am trying to rest my jaw as much as possible and not talk and eat soft foods. i am still taking all my meds. 800 mg three times a day. that is 4 pills three times a day for one week. so lets do the math
4x3 equals 12 in one day.
12x7 equals 84 pills in one week.
SO MANY PILLS. just not enough time in one day.


Today, Barb is: having an ok day.

spring classes are finished (see below)
my first summer class is also finished.
I took an International Business Law; Eurpoean Union.
Our professor was from Denmark and so it was really fun to have his perspective not only on the differences between Denmark and Wisconsin, but also having a professor who knows the in and outs of European Union Law. So that was two weeks of intense class for 5 hours a day.

Now I am just kinda hanging around looking for a job. If anyone out there knows where I can find on, let me know.
On the down side, I went into the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist again yesterday because my ear was hurting so badly and mom and I just wanted to get an appointment. We ended up waiting there for about 15 minutes and they said that they would just add me on. So after waiting we went in to see him and I have TMJ.

For those of you who don't know, this is taken from WedMD

What Is TMJ?
TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, means that the hinge connecting the upper and lower jaw isn't working properly. This hinge is one of the most complex joints in the body, responsible for moving the lower jaw forward, backward and side-to-side. Any problem that prevents this complex system of muscles, ligaments, discs and bones from working as it should is called TMJ. Often, TMJ feels like your jaw is popping or clicking or even "getting stuck" for a moment. The exact cause of this misalignment is often impossible to determine.

So that is what I have right now. I am taking a bunch of ibuprofen to take down the swelling and that seems to be helping when I am awake.
So yeah, that is an update on Barb!


Today, Barb is: having a grand ole day!

finals are done.
projects are finished.


So, I was surfing some of my friends webpages and I came across this.
I just had to repost it because I think it is funny and has good comebacks.
Thus said, Enjoy!

10 Reasons Why Gay Marriage is Wrong:

01) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, air conditioning, and hotdogs.

02) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.

03) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.

04) Straight marriage has been around a long time and hasn't changed at all; women are still property, blacks still can't marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.

05) Straight marriage will be less meaningful if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour just-for-fun marriage would be destroyed.

06) Straight marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.

07) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.

08) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the entire country. That's why we have only one religion in America.

09) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why we as a society expressly forbid single parents to raise children.

10) Gay marriage will change the foundation of society; we could never adapt to new social norms. Just like we haven't adapted to cars, the service-sector economy, or longer life spans.


Today, Barb is: taking a break from studying so she doesn't pull her hair out.

i hate the week before finals.
it drives me crazy.
i hate the week of finals.
it makes my brain hurt.

hate hate hate hate
i normally try to not use the work hate because it is a very stong word, but this deserves it.


Today, Barb is: getting over the frustration.
so a few days ago i had this wicked entry.
and it never loaded or something happened when it was loading. but the out come is that it was not posted through no fault of my own.

so i have finally gotten over my anger towards blogger and have decided to give it another go.
there is really not a whole lot going on.
i am working, still unicycling, going to class, freaking out over finals, you know the usual.
yep, it has reached that time again when finals move around and freak everyone out. it is really not that fun. my actual finals week is an easy week, but it is all the stress and projects leading up to finals week that kills ya.

so. with finals and class being done for the semester just around the corner, it is crunch time. so don't be surprised if no one sees me at all and if you still haven't heard from me by the end of May, then you can worry! :-)


Today, Barb is: wishing that her life was a musical.

so mary and i are now just sitting around watching West Side Story.
and ya wanna know what?
i want to have my life as a musical.
people breaking into song and dance just for the heck of it!

go to the dance tony, you won't meet maria if you don't!!!!

ahhh musicals.
i have always enjoyed musicals. that was one thing that i really liked when Joe was in pit band, we would always go and see the musicals that woodbury did.
that is another reason that i like river falls, they have a decent musical pretty much every year.
i've seen Cabaret, Rocky Horror Show, and a bunch more.

i want someone to sing a song about me.
i will be taking any and all entries. who knows...... its only just out of reach!

maybe tonight!!!!!


Today, Barb is: still tired from standing for such a long time.

so finally after my legs gave out, i was carried up to my hotel room and recovered. :-)

i am back from the trip.
it was a great time had by all.
we did alot of different things, from monuments to ecological parks, to bars and karaoke and dance clubs. we got to see the paciic ocean and kinda eat some of it from it being sprayed in our faces.

i got to see some really amazing places and got to spend lots of time in airplanes.
this is to pacify the masses. i am trying to get my pics up on my website.
i will notify all when they have been posted.

over and out


As you read this, barb is standing in her hotel in Taipei Taiwan.
so yea, i am in Taiwan for spring break and so far so good.
the plane ride over was LONG and there were 3 legs of it.
i was able to stay awake for just about all 19 hours of it. but on the last 2.5 hour leg from Osaka to Taipei I did fall asleep.
I am very glad that I didn't sleep becasue i was the only one who didn't have jet lag this morning! :-)

so yea i am here and tired after all the running around i did today.
there was a cycling trade show that went on today and i was lucky enough to be able to register and get in for free. and then i got to meet up with Roger and meet Amy from unicycle.com and Kris Holm (he's amazing!)
but in order to get there, i had to jump through a bunch of hoops and people who were trying to help me didn't speak english and those who did speak english were mean and didn't want to try and translate for me at all! but eventually i did get roger on candys phone and we came and got us and showed us around for the 45 mins we were able to be there.
i got about 45 pounds of books for Joe to have, and there are only like 4 books, so just figure that out!
umm yea, so it is 9.30 at night here on friday and we are thinking of going out to a jazz club later this evening so i gotta go.
i am not sure if i am going to go or not, but we will see in like half hour if i am still this tired and just wiped from carrying around 45 pounds of book across half of Taipei!

love you all!


Today, Barb is: excited to know that the world still revolves without me blogging.
so yea, guess what?
March 4th will be the third anniversary of my blogspot.
march 4th, this little blog will be three whole years old!
i think it is my longest diary type thing ever, but that is kinda expected since i have some times where i wasn't here or paying attention.
but still, its three documented years of my life



Today, Barb is: doing good.
so these past few weeks have been good, bad, and everything rolled into one.
my birthday was good.
then school started. it is going good.
my parents went on a cruise to the mexican riveria.
they came back and that night we got a call saying that my uncle bobs trailer had been on fire and they didn't know where he was. 2 am we get a knock at the door from the Newport Police to tell us that bob was in the trailer and died.

thus starts the bad part.
thursday i went up north with my mom to start helping get things ready.
we saw the trailer, saw some family, met some new friends, had a memorial for bob. came back home.

had to work, had to study, had a test.
basically i have no time other than to sleep.
i had to forgo unicycling yesterday because i had to do stupid homework! i hate it.
i wish i had a real job that i could just be there from 9-5 and not have to take anything home with me! then i would be able to unicycle all the time!

this weekend is my grandmas 80th birthday party.
i have to work friday and sunday at E&G's. saturday is the party. it should be fun. the whole family will be there. and then some.

so yeah, that is my last few weeks in a nutshell


Today, Barb is: feeling like a change is rippling through the air...

so if you can't tell, the blog has gotten a face lift. i decided that with the new years and everything that things are going to change and be new again. hence the new updated look.
like it?
hate it?
tell me about it!


Today, Barb is: bouncing around because she has to pee

so yea, i have to go to the bathroom. but i told myself that i needed to post before i allowed myself to pee so this might be quick.

unicycling is going good. i ended up sleeping through my practise on thursday so that sucked. and i had a really weird dream while napping and so after dinner with mom and dad to celebreate my birthday (belated) and while we were driving back, mom decided that i should call the dream doctor and see what the dream was about. i called and i actually got in. the dream meant that since mom was sick and i was frustrated with not being able to go out and celebreate my birthday with the family in town, and then since joe and kim were sick on thursday they couldn't come to that either. so the dream doctor told me that since mom and dad took me out, that now joe and kim need to take me out to make up for it. :-) so joe and kim, when are you going to take me out? :-) yea , and then friday i was at work in the student center all day and then after that i went and showered, and was going to go and see Chronicales of Narnia at the 3 dollar theatre, but they were all sold out at 6.45 when we got there for the 7 showing. so we decided to go bowling. did you guys know that they have all adult bowling leagues on friday nights? both Hudson and River Falls. so we ended up going to Matts room and just hanging out and watching the movie KungFu Hustle, which is good, but i have seen it before. but it was nice to just be able to hang out with Erin, Matt, and John.

so yea, and then i found this quiz thing online... and i took it. i really liked it so i am going to post it here.

***The Keys to Your Heart***

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is low. Even if you're tempted, you'd try hard not to do it.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

so yea, i took that i and think that it really is quite accurate. now normally i when i take stuff like that, i don't think that it really is me, but this i like. its good. so yea, take it or don't, i don't care!

now i am going to go. later all!


Today, Barb is: tired but good.

so i know that it has been a while. but don't worry. you haven't really missed anything. christmas was really good. i got a unicycle! it is from joe and kim and i love love LOVE it! clothes from mom, jumpdrives from dad and Sin City the unrated, unedited version from jim and kristene. so it was good.

ummm, my birthday is coming soon.
January 18th. i will be 23.. gulp! dang thats old. i remember when i was little and my big brother joe was getting his license to drive with and i never thought i would be that old. now i am going to be 23 years old. only 7 more years past that and i will be 30. and from there on, it is just downhill. oh well.
so yea.

ummmm, thats about it!