
Today, Barb is: still kinda of in pain.

so. Monday went and was diagnosed with TMJ.
tuesday, was still in a bunch of pain.
couldn't get ANY sleep on Tuesday night.
called wednesday to get an appointment because the dr told me to call back if i was still in pain. went in and got a shot of steriods in the joint. went to the dentist and made an appointment to get fitted for a mouth guard for when i sleep. so i have that appointment on tuesday for my fitting.

today i am starting to get better. i am trying to rest my jaw as much as possible and not talk and eat soft foods. i am still taking all my meds. 800 mg three times a day. that is 4 pills three times a day for one week. so lets do the math
4x3 equals 12 in one day.
12x7 equals 84 pills in one week.
SO MANY PILLS. just not enough time in one day.

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