
why is it that people of the male persuasion suck so much?
i think i have decided to become a celibate monk.
atleast that way i will have an actuall reason for being alone.
ok, so as you can tell i am not a big fan of Republicans. i would not go as far as saying that i hate them, becsaue my parents taught me not to hate people. so i am not a big fan. and i just found out something that distrubs me. my academic advisor is Mr Brian Huffman. the College Republicans advisor is Mr. Brian Huffman

we share the same advisor

i think i need to find a new advisor ever more now!!!!!!!
my cousin Christie rocks! (for reasoning why, see previos blog)
and if you want to get a small trip into her and Trevors (but mostly Christie's) psyche go here


that is her Blog, i belivve that i have it somewhere previous, but just another reminder!
she and i have most of the same thoughts about subjects. i think the only subject we really differentiate from is about religion. but other than that, i think we hold most of the same morals and values. that is why i love her so damn much even though we almost never see each other because she lives around San Diego.... or somewhere near there at least.

alright, so i have great respect for people who will stand up for thier beliefs, and normally that would also extend to Republicans, but the college republicans are startin to piss me off. just at sitting at the Info Desk i can see posters for them, "The Collgeg Republicans encourage everyone to see The Passion of the Christ." "The College Republicans would like to congradulate the mens basketball team on a great season." "the College Repubilcans would like to thank the Falcons Hockey for the great season." for those of you who don't know, the college republicans are also put together the Campus WatchDogs. and with the signs, i think they are trying to get people to like them. almost liekk they are trying to 'buy' people by saying, hey look at us, we like these just like you do! and it is making me mad!!!!!


so this is going out to my cousin Christie -
I LOVE YA!!!!!!!
I get emails from her about my postings and she makes me feel great! not to mention that she married one fo the greatest men in the world! trevor (her hubby) is awesome! and they are so cute together.

alrighty, so i am off and going to close up shop and get ready to go home! whee baby whee!
so the parents are gone. it was almost sad, mom looked sad when she was saying goodbye, but you think that she would be happier. she is going to Cancun with her husband and thier best friends! and to top it, it is an all inclusive resort they are going to!

ahhhhggggg to me!
why why why why why?
so i did something stupid today. well maybe not stupid illegal or stupid where someone will gut hurt, but what i consider to be stupid none the less.
sometimes i feel that i just a glutton for punishment.
and when i actally tell you what i did, you will think that i am just blowing everything out of porportion, and maybe i am. but that is why i'm not telling you@!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha!


hey hey all!
so it is like, 8:30 in the mornign and i am super tired!
but i have good news.......
so, i took my Business Ethics test and guess what i got?
a B! it was actually an 88% but if i would have included one more example i would have gotten an A! but i will next time.
and then there was the Math Test,
that is Business Calc and i hate math, but guess what i got?
another B!!!!! that was an 80% but it still counts as a B!
and then accounting.
not so good.when i had accoutning before, it was the ledgers and jounal entries that really got me, but so i studied extra hard on those and did well on those, but i didn't do so good on the multiple choise.
so i got a 67% that is a D, but i can only go up from here in that class! and now that i know she likes the multiple choise, i can study more for those in the coming test.
and then there is my Business and Proffesional Communications class (speech), we haven't done anything in there grade worthy yet, so i guess i don't really have agrade for that yet.

that is all that is going on for me as of now....
other things of note,
my parents are leaving me and going to Cancun.
Joe will be "in charge" of me while they are gone.
The weekend they get back, I am going to my Building Unity Conference in Milwalkee (sorry for spelling)
and inbetween that, i have classes, tests, and studiny and working to keep me occupied!


i love the Quizno's singing animals!!!!!!


go there and read the article about them!
i much say, that they are the best commercial i have seen in a REALLY long time and no matter what, they always put me into a good mood.


so today is good!!!

Bob, Grant and I decided that we are going to be the Stool Gang. We are going to walk around with our wooden stools and sit down when we want to, and start snapping our fingers like the Jets. That is "When-your-a jet" Jet, not the "Are-you-going-to-be-my-girl" Jet.
so i got to hang out with Grant and Bob. it was fun.
and after that and school and junk, i went to the Apt. adn took a nap!
naps are the greatest invention since sliced bread~! i love them so darn much! so i took and nap and after that i ran to the public library and picked up some new books to read! aaahhh trashy-romance novels! (my secret passion)

so i am sitting here at work now and getting ready to start reading a new one!
wheeeee for meeeee!
it is friday morning and i am feelin great!!!!!!
hive-free and gettin revved up for the weekend to come!
i took a math test on Thursday, and i think i did well!
i had been study like crazy, and i think it all paid off. finally... a semi maybe good start to the math-hating-year. but then again, all my years are math hating years.

so this weekend i was supposed to go to a General Assembly with Senate, but yea that is not going to happen. it has started snowing like crazy, and guess what? i would be the only one going and the campus it is at, is like, 35 mins away from Illinois. (down in the coner past Madison). so i am not sure what i am going to do tonight. tomorrow night i have plans with my friends to hang out, but tongiht, maybe i will see if i can get my work schedule back for tonight.


well, i now realize why i was having such a bad night monday night!
Tuesday morning, i wake up and i have red, itchy, patches of skin on me.....
so i took some Benadryl and took a cold shower, and put some liqiud benadryl on them and went to sleep. if they weren't a little better come the evening/morning (whenever i woke up) i was going to call my mom or dad and get some advice. but since this has happened before, the only thing that has ever worked, has been Benadryl. so i took abunch of it, slept, and although i still have some hive sploches, i don't itch as much anymore. so that is good.
and they aren't raised up like there were also.
so that is good. and other than the fact that i am hungry, all is semi well in my world.


so yeah, i am still here and i guess i c an't get away.
my got a littel better.
i decided to look back at some of my older Blog's and i realized that i have had my blog for almost a year!
but i would suggest looking back at some of my older blogs and refresh your self with the most important subject in the world... ME!

there is one blog in there about me having a good convo with my mom about me and the lack of boys, and apparently she told me that i was amazing or wonderful or soemthing like that.... granted i know that, but it is nice to hear it everyonce ina while!
so my day has sorta gone down hill.
i haven't been back to the Apt. since like, oh 9:45 this morning and so that in of itself is crappy, but now with my meeting that was supposed to have just like fell apart in a matter of minutes.
and there was the confersation that happened and it wasn't the best.......
let me just say there was a man involved and he said the opposite of what i thought he would have and so that dissapointed me, but then again you would think that I would be used to dissapointment. meh
and now all i want to do is go back home and study, but i need to wait for Teresa so we can talk about the meeting that didn't happen. AAARRRRGGGGGGG
and the AOL-IM is not liking me and will only let me be online for like a total of 5 minutes before it boots me off.
and i think that is really damn stupid!
and i am starting to get agitated.
and so because of all this i think i am just going to leave Teresa a message and go home!
i hope that studying one of my fav subjects will lift my spirts since i have a test tomorrow in it!
the test i am not to worried about.... i guess he just wants straight regurgitation so i think i can do that.

i hope you have a better night than i am

go there!
that is my friend Chris Mason, that i have known for like EVER, and my other friend Emily, we are alll in College Democrats together!
chris is the pres and em is the publicity gal!
im in charge
im in charge
im in charge

i got to do my I'm In Charge Dance and song because Jerry and Deb went to llunch, and so they told me that i am in charge! it was fun, i started to do my I'm In Charge song and dance and just as i turned the corner, there is jerry and he just started laughing at me. it was funny
very much one of those , had to be there moments
so Valentines day was ... meh
that is pretty much the only word to describe it with.
i was at work for Valentines Day night.
and Neng was here too so we hung out.
Neng is a great guy. he is so nice to chat with. we sat hjere and played cards and talked about the opposite sex and how screwed uo they all are.

it was great fun


so the good mood of last night is pretty much gone.
but i am still doing good, mainly because last ngiht i got to hang out with my friends.
but today is valentines day.
i dont like Valentines Day.
it makes to wonder how many more valentines days i will see without a significant other.
but in all reality, i think the reason that im in a not the greatest mood, is because i have to go to work tonight. and i would SO much rather just stay here at home and chill with my babies and watch tv and read and sleep, and just do nothing. but atleast i will be able to get some homework done tonight.

so last night when i came home, my mom gave me my Valentines present, which consisted of 4 new dress shirts.
one is black , one is white, one is like this light sea green color. and the one the i LOVE the best, it is like lights green with white stripes and gray stripes, and i totally dig it! i look hot in it!


so it is the day before Valentines Day, as as of right now, i am in a good mood. i wonder how long that will actually last. I'm pretty sure it will last at least through the day becuase i am going home today and then i get to go and see Brett and Cori and hang out with them and play games andwe all just sit around and laugh our asses off!!! that is why I LOVE getting together with them, because we just sit around and have a good time.
i think the reason i am in such a good mood might be because of Q......? ;-)

two things to talk about
first the movie PCU
i just have to say that i love this movie. the pre-frosh, the parties, George Clinton and the Parliment-Funkadelic....
ahhh if college were really like that!
"Pigman is trying to prove the Cain-Hackman theory. No matter what time it is, 24 hours a day, you can find a Michael Cain or Gene Hackman movie playing on TV."
that is possibly one of my fav quotes from the movie.
so yea, PCU is a good movie.

next thing, i just saw this happen.
at College here, we have a sorrity called Sigma Sigma Sigma, or the Tri-Sig's
for those of you who know the greek alphabet, it is the sigma symbol, which for you math geeks is the sum symbol. so there were these kids walking around and they saw a sign with the Sigma Sigma Sigma, and they said and i quote,
:hey look! sum sum sum!"
for some reason that struck me as not only being extremely funny, but also extremely dorky... so go figure!

but yeah!
for those of you who want to see a full article about me and my Vagina Monologues, go here

have a good valentines day


so the resignation from senate was good.
people liked my note for them, and i was in the paper again!!!!!
i was in the paper with the Vagina mOnologues, i just want to put a quote in here...
" "I know there will be some people who will be heistant with the Vagina Monologues. People think, "Oh my gosh, it has the word vagina in it" said Barb director and producer. But the word vagina didn't seem to bother to many people on Thursday night. The monologues delivered a variety of emotions to the audience. Some dealt with humerous issies about what your vagina would say if it coudl talk, while other monologues gave testimonies of rape and abuse. The preformance celecrated women's sexuality and strength and exposed violence endured by women throughout the world"

that is the writter of the article, Anne, she is amazing!
and a friend of mine, John Gavin was quoted and this is his quote
"I thought it was excellent because it was funny and serious. It looked inside the violence of women and opened my eyes"
that from johnny boy!

i was so proud when i read the paper
i would suggest for my buds on campus, get a paper, and for my rent's, I will bring like, 5 copoes home!


so the Vagina Monologues are over and done with.
that means that i have to resign from Senate.
which will be sad, but they aren't going to get rid of me that easily!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but yea, so tonight, i will no longer the the Womens Initatives Director for Student Sentate..... (tear)
but that means i have more time to study BLECK

so lets see... what has gone on lately....
the Vagina Monologues were finished on the saturday the 7th.
my ladies bought me pink roses and gave them to me on stage and did a public thank you and everything! it was SO CUTE, and so of course i started crying. right there up on stage infront of my parents, bob, jenni and brian, jed and his girlfriend, cori, brett, crystal and tom, and adam and his girl. but it was fun none the less.
afterwards brett, cori, i, tom, and crystal all went out to TGIFridays for food and drinks.
it was fun
then i went home home and slept in my bed before church. after church we had lunch and i went shopping! for those of you who actually know me, you know how amazing that must have been! (for those of you who don't, I HATE SHOPPING)
ok, so i got 2 new pairs of pants! one like an army green (olive drab) and the other is like a brown coutory and i LOVE that one~!

after that went to Sams Club and got some juice and food. and then i started back for the Apt.
got about 6 mins away frokm home and turned back, my winshield wiper was crap and so i needed to swich them so i coujld get to the apt.. and then i got home.... did some homework... slept... showered.... did the whole 'bed time' thing


so it goes.... it goes well
the Vagina Monologues are here!


so this post is dedicated to public bathroom use

i know that may sound strange, but i like public bathrooms.
most people may think that sounds strange, but going to use a public bathroom is a liberatting experience.

granted you have the germs, but there is no where you could go and NOT have germs.

but i like the bathrooms.
you can do whatever you want and no one will ever know. if you need, you can let rip whatever you want... and there is no one to tell you that you are disgusting
(side note to men - YES women fart too!!!!!! it is called 'fluffing' -thanks to Kristene for the terminology- )
that is why i do not like going to the bathroom in groups like some girls do.