
Today, Barb is: wishing that her life was a musical.

so mary and i are now just sitting around watching West Side Story.
and ya wanna know what?
i want to have my life as a musical.
people breaking into song and dance just for the heck of it!

go to the dance tony, you won't meet maria if you don't!!!!

ahhh musicals.
i have always enjoyed musicals. that was one thing that i really liked when Joe was in pit band, we would always go and see the musicals that woodbury did.
that is another reason that i like river falls, they have a decent musical pretty much every year.
i've seen Cabaret, Rocky Horror Show, and a bunch more.

i want someone to sing a song about me.
i will be taking any and all entries. who knows...... its only just out of reach!

maybe tonight!!!!!


Today, Barb is: still tired from standing for such a long time.

so finally after my legs gave out, i was carried up to my hotel room and recovered. :-)

i am back from the trip.
it was a great time had by all.
we did alot of different things, from monuments to ecological parks, to bars and karaoke and dance clubs. we got to see the paciic ocean and kinda eat some of it from it being sprayed in our faces.

i got to see some really amazing places and got to spend lots of time in airplanes.
this is to pacify the masses. i am trying to get my pics up on my website.
i will notify all when they have been posted.

over and out


As you read this, barb is standing in her hotel in Taipei Taiwan.
so yea, i am in Taiwan for spring break and so far so good.
the plane ride over was LONG and there were 3 legs of it.
i was able to stay awake for just about all 19 hours of it. but on the last 2.5 hour leg from Osaka to Taipei I did fall asleep.
I am very glad that I didn't sleep becasue i was the only one who didn't have jet lag this morning! :-)

so yea i am here and tired after all the running around i did today.
there was a cycling trade show that went on today and i was lucky enough to be able to register and get in for free. and then i got to meet up with Roger and meet Amy from unicycle.com and Kris Holm (he's amazing!)
but in order to get there, i had to jump through a bunch of hoops and people who were trying to help me didn't speak english and those who did speak english were mean and didn't want to try and translate for me at all! but eventually i did get roger on candys phone and we came and got us and showed us around for the 45 mins we were able to be there.
i got about 45 pounds of books for Joe to have, and there are only like 4 books, so just figure that out!
umm yea, so it is 9.30 at night here on friday and we are thinking of going out to a jazz club later this evening so i gotta go.
i am not sure if i am going to go or not, but we will see in like half hour if i am still this tired and just wiped from carrying around 45 pounds of book across half of Taipei!

love you all!


Today, Barb is: excited to know that the world still revolves without me blogging.
so yea, guess what?
March 4th will be the third anniversary of my blogspot.
march 4th, this little blog will be three whole years old!
i think it is my longest diary type thing ever, but that is kinda expected since i have some times where i wasn't here or paying attention.
but still, its three documented years of my life