
Today, Barb is: feeling like she let you all down.

so the world is going crazy here at the bank.

i was moved from my desk at the door to the teller line where i am in the handicapped accessible desk. so that means that my desk shrunk by 75% which i am NOT happy about.

not at all.

so wednesday i was told that i had to move my desk.

so wednesday that is what i did all day long. it was kind of nice because it took the whole day and so the day went fast, but i was mad basically the whole day long because i had to condense and move and clean and everything. but the good thing about wednesday was that after work Janel from church had a small birthday dinner in the roseville mall at Ramanos Macoronni Grill. so dinner was splendid!

thursday was another long day at work with finishing the desk moving and cleaning both desks and moving other people and just not being happy with everything that is going on in the bank. but the highlight of thursday was the fact that i got tickets from work to go see the Saint Paul Saints game for free! So I gave the tickets to dad as a fathers day present and so we went with some friends. the game was really fun! so that was another fun but long night.

and then we come to friday. i had to work fom 8-5 which is the 3rd time this week. normally i work until 5 one, maybe 2 nights a week. nope 3 nights this week.. but on the plus side, i put in over 8 hours and every little bit in the money helps. so friday at work sucked yet again. i was busy from the moment i sat down at 8 am until 4.45 pm. it is the end of the month and people get crazy then. we have all these reports and things happening that HAVE TO GET DONE TODAY because it is the end of the month and end of the week which makes it worse since people won't be hjere to deal with things on saturday (today). and friday was the day that i started dog/house sitting for spike the big scardity dog whos parents go out to their cabin for the week of the 4th of July and they can't take Spike becuase he is huge and hates fireworks and will run through screen doors and hide outside and just generally get lost. so when i did get home i started getting everything together to go to thier house for the week and a half. i did eventually get to their house and spike was waiting for me. had some dinner, read some of my book and then went to bed.

which brings us all up to date with today. saturday. i am currently at work right now. this is the first time in the last few days that i have actually had time at work do sit and blog. so that is why there is a hugley long post coming at all of you out there.

tonight i am having some friends over to the house for a bbq and just general havoc. it is the group of us that met in our summer diversity class and we go out to eat at an ethnic restraunt once a month, since we don't get to see each other anymore we have started doing another activity once a month also becuase we miss each other. and so we have some games, food, dogs, people, and fun coming my way tonight. also booze. yep. after this week i need it.
but don't worry. there will be no driving. that is why it is a sleep over.

it is my hope that i will be able to give you some pictures. but you never know.


Today, Barb is: tired and getting ready to take a shower so she can go to bed.

so the media is telling us that is looks like Chris Benoit killed his wife and child and then committed suicide. i sort of have the aversion to believing what the media says 100% but i dont know. i think maybe i just don't want to think that he killed them all. i have this other thing where i always want to believe the best of people. i guess you could call it a bit of self inflicted naiveity. i want to believe the best because i want people to be nice to one another. i know that not everyone is, but i want them to be.

does that make me an idealist?
oh well. i don't think there is anything you can do about it.
i applied for like 4 new jobs today.
night all!! off to shower now and get ready for another day tomorrow.


Today, Barb is: full from dinner and watching tv with dad.

so Chris Benoit from the WWE died. apparently he and his whole family (wife and young son) were found dead today in their atlanta area home. we are watching the WWE and it's a whole 3 hours dedicated to him and remembering him. it is pretty darn interesting. it is really sad because all the reports say that he was just an amazing man and great athlete.

it is so sad when something like that happens.

it is really something to see when there is all these big, strong, burly wrestlers who are talking about him and just crying and you can tell how hard this is for them. how just totally unreal the whole thing is with him being gone, and how hard it is going to be on them when they have to get back into the ring.

RIP Benoit Family; Chris, Nancy, Daniel


Today, Barb is: tired.
so yesterday was a long day!
i worked from 8-5 (and boy were we busy!) and then afterwards i came home changed and went to IKEA with Sarah and Matt. i was getting a bed frame and they were getting couches. so we had a grande ole time.

we were there for like 3 hours. we had dinner and got lots of stuff. well not LOTS of stuff but between all of us, the total was 800 bucks. and so i wasn't home until like 10ish. i had just got done putting the bed frame into the other van when i had to go to the bathroom. so of course as i was going to the bathroom the phone rang and being that it was like 10.30 at night, i figured that it had to be the parents. so they had arrived home and that meant i had to go and get them.

so i had to go and get them and bring them home which ment we weren't home until like 11.30 and so we weren't into bed until like 12.30ish... i think.
so that is why i didn't blog yesterday.


Today, Barb is: excited for the second thursday thirteen!

so, in honor of my first woot purchase, the thirteen thing barb has bought or wants to buy!

number 1!!!!! that would be my new combination blender and food processor from woot. it arrived today and i am very excited to use it soon!!!
the second is a 'want to buy'. it would Kathy Griffin. I would like nothing more that to buy her and make her follow me around as my conscience and just generally making my life incredibily fun and funny.

this next little bute it number 3. that would be my laptop. it is an acer aspire 5100 and it was a good deal for the amount of computer i got.
so number 4 is one of my favorite movies. Little Miss Sunshine. such a great movie. i honestly don't know what else to say, if you haven't seen it, you must.

number 5 is a what i want to buy. that would be a fun townhouse. something like below would be the greatest. but i have to get my dream job first.
number 6.... well number 6 is what i want to buy and love A LOT. you know what i mean.
number 7 and number 8 are two books that i really really really want to get.
anya and shiloh are 2 of my favorite authors and i just need to save money so i can get both these books which i am sure will rock just as much as all the other of there books i have read.
number 9 is something that i would like to purchase in the future. i think it would be really cool to have.
now number 10, number 10 took some consideration. i can just stare at him like this forever. i like the kind of dirty look on him. yummy.
while we are on the topic, here is number 11 for ya! it is columbus short. he makes me toes curl.
number 12 is the last thing that i want. if anyone wants to buy this for me, it is in scotland. i have been there and no one is living in it so i am sure it could be bought.

OOOOOOHHHHHHHH WWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! this is number 13 and i love it a whole lot! that would be my new car. it is a 2004 4 door chevy aveo ls. silver (it took me a long time to find a picture of one exactly like mine), sunroof, power everything, and i LOVE IT!


Today, Barb is: having a good day.
so today is one of our tellers last day. so we got bank lunch! basically this means that they bank pays for lunch for the whole bank. we got jimmie johns today.
yum. number 7 with avacado, chips and a pickle... what a great lunch.

so tonight i get to cook dinner for my sister-in-law Kim. she is joe's wife and since the people i live with are gone (the parents) and the person she lives with (joe, the unicycling husband) is gone, we decided to get together and have dinner. so i have chicken with teriaki sauce, broccoli, and rice. sounds good huh?
well you can't have any. it is for me and kim.
also because she is pregnant and i want to do something nice for her while joe is gone. and it gives me a good reason to see her and spend time with her.
after dinner i get to go back home and finish the shirts and then run them up to the secretary from church's house after.

then showering and going to bed. that is basically the plan of my night. and i will tell you this, i am excited for it. i have things to do, things that i am going to enjoy doing.

i also need to start thinking of the thursday thirteen since tomorrow is thursday! wheeeee! that means the day after is FRIDAY!! mom and dad come home late that night. then saturday i have my bud erin's graduation party. then sunday i don't know what i am going to do. i would like to go to Ikea and see if my bed is onsale and if so, buy it. but that is also the day the Pride Parade is going on downtown. if you don't already know, i am a total supporter of the gays. point and case, i am going to be living with 2 of them! (i love them and they love me, don't question it) but i have other gays who will be at the parade and i would like to see them since it has been a while since there was a visit. so i am torn.
parade with my gays, or shopping?

you decide.


Today, Barb is: having a butt that hurts from sitting down. but later tonight her feet will hurt.

barb is doing the shirts for her dad tonight. that is why her feet will hurt.
so the first day went well for the unicyclists. there are pictures and other stuff up on the site. (please view link section to the right of the page, there you will find joes' unicycle link)
i am jealous. i need to get back up on my unicycle and keep learning.

i have this thing were if i am not instantly good at something, i don't stick with it very long. but i really really realy really really really really really really really (i typed every last one of those really's, not just copy paste) unicycling. what i want to do is find either a person who won't judge me and my slowness to help me, or a really long wall in the middle of no where so i can be all by myself. when i go to the practises i see everyone who is so good and people who started learning after me just zooming around and it is hard for me to keep motivated.
i want to be able to unicycle to and from work eventually. i would like nothing better, but i need to get a lot better first. i also just need to build my muscle and work out in general.

that is one thing that i am excited about for my new apartment, they have a pool (yeah for swimming!) and a really nice workout room with lots of different stuff in it. so eric and i have decided that when we start living there we are going to pick 2 or 3 nights where we are going to go workout every week. and we are going to work out together so it will be funner for both parties.
ok, now that you have learned a lot more about me, i am just going to go and run away.


Today, Barb is: hot outside and freezing inside.
so it is about 80 degrees right now. i am wearing a sweater.
because we have a person in the bank who is constantly hot and so the temp is always turned WAY down. i have heard tell that during the hottest times of summer, people who are not properly dressed end up shivering due to the coldness and then when they go outside, it is such a huge differerance that they actually get sick. yea. not excited about that.

other than that, i get to do a bunch of shirts for the dad since they are away. so tonight and tomorrow night, that is what i will be doing.

other than that there really isn't a whole lot of stuff going on with my right now. i move in like 36 days. the person who tells me what to do is gone this week and so i am going to be bored a lot. ok that is all.
later, yo!


Today, Barb is: feeling tackled by Rhian.
and rats to her!

Tackled by Rhian

Now for a little bit of lighter fare. Rhian tagged me for this Meme. . So the instructions and links and peep-tags are now at the bottom -

The riveting questions you wanted to know but were afraid to ask:

  • What were you doing 10 years ago?
    - I would have been 14. In junior high school.
    - I had my friends, school and band. i was a band geek.
  • What were you doing 1 year ago?
    - finishing up my last full year of college
    - just starting to work at home depot and continuing to work at E&G's
    - living with the best roommate and one not-so-good roommate.
  • Five snacks you enjoy:
    - cheese... any kind, any time.
    - dorito chips and others like that.
    - peanut butter m&m's
    - strawberries and other fruits
    - ummm, yea.

  • Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
    - Samson by Regina Spektor
    Drop me in the middle by Natasha Beddingfeild
    Not Ready to Make Nice by the Dixie Chicks
  • - Mass Destruction by Faithless
    Punkrocker by the TeddyBears

  • Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
    - travel all around the world constantly
    - share it with the family
    - fund medical and social work for third world countries
    - save and invest a lot of it so i dont' have to work a whole lot.
    - use my money power for good, not evil

  • Five bad habits:
    - lazy
    - reading too much
    - not following through on new things if i am not instantly good at them
    - watching to much tv
    - spending to much time on my new laptop

  • Five things you like doing:
    - reading
    - traveling
    - unicycling
    - spending time with my friends and family
    - other stuff too.

  • Five things you would never wear again:
    - spandex
    - that one top that i wore that one night..... bleck
    - dresses
    - stuff with lots and lots of pattern
    - string bikini (never worn one, nor will i ever)

Rhi's INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot.
- SusieJ
- Wylie's Words
- Red's Red Pages
- Rhi's From My Brain to Yours
-Barb's --that would be me.

Next select five people to tag because these were the riveting questions you wanted to know but were afraid to ask, not sure if this would work... but here goes!

  1. Jim
  2. Anya Bast
  3. Daisey Dexter Dobbs
  4. Christie
  5. You!!!!


Today, Barb is: hot, sticky, and wants to sleep in a pool.

yes, i did not post of friday. but i would just like to point out that if we are going by the number of days posted in a row, i am still winning becuase since i started i have only missed one day whereas jim has missed 2 days. so yea.

yesterday i got to go home early from work because on thursday i was there from 7.15 until 5.30. reason being is that we have moved over to what we call 'branch capture'. basically what that means is that we do all of the scanning and stuff of the deposits and junk and we get to do it whenever we want and we don't have to send the stuff out to be processed so that also means that we don't have a 3 o'clock cut off time anymore so when people come in at 4.45 the transaction is credited that day. it is pretty cool. i get to be in charge of it. so that is awesome! :-)

other than that things are going well. mom and dad have called a few times to tell me about the trip, they have seen mount mckenley and bears and all sorts of stuff. basically they are having a great time. so yea.

other than that there isn't a whole lot more going on.
the cats went to the vet on wednesday.
it was actually easier to get Oscar into the cat carrier than i expected. basically i just attacked her. i went straight to her and grabbed her by the scruff. then i manuevered so i could get the cat carrier down one handed and tipped it up and stuffed her in. i then grabbed snuffy and put him in there next to her. i rolled them around and they SO did not like being in there. i felt like a bad mommy! they were crying and pawing to get out. but they needed it to get healthy.

that was the other thing that went on for me.
ok, well i am at work now since it is my saturday to be here.


Today, Barb is: feeling great!
i have kind of figured out what to do with this whole thursday thirteen thingy.
so i have decided that i want to join!

Thirteen Things barb wants
So there is this thing where you use google and you type in "your name" wants and you see what comes up. so here goes!
1…. Barb wants nothing to do with Cora D., Axel, or anyone who wants something for free.......
darn right i don't!
2.... Barb wants to promote good bands on merit, and create shows that are conducive to the music ....... i love it! me and music makes the world go round!
3..... Barb wants to lower interest rates on credit cards.... hummm that is true.
4.... Barb wants to go to the head of the chow line! ....interesting seeing as i just got back from lunch!
5.... Barb wants us to stay informed about this new project and be ready to make decisions after a deal is arrived at..... sure why not. stay informed people I want you to be ready.
6.... Barb wants a "squirrel-proof " cage to grow tomatoes... sure why not. maybe it is the squirrels that kill them and not me, if i were to actually grow them.
7..... Barb wants me to read "One Fish Two Fish" to her..... yes i do. please let me know when you are ready and i will crawl into bed so you can begin.
8.... Barb wants your next move to be a successful one.... yea but only if i can come and move with you.
9..... Barb wants to run for Pres, or continue her fantastic work as newsletter editor.... i think i could totally run the free world. easy as pie.
10.... Barb wants to know the whys.... i do, i really really do.
11..... Barb wants to cheat and use lots of lightning and cold absorb.... sure why not? i like to cheat and those cold absorbs... WHOOOO HEEE! they rule.
12.... Barb wants to pay $3.74 for a Mambo Espresso Decaf Latte... actually i don't. i don't really do the coffee thing unless it doesn't taste like coffee.
13.... Barb wants to be buried in her clown costume..... that is true. i would enjoy that. man that makes me laugh! the best for the last!!!!!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Today, Barb is: feeling kind of bad for jiping your guys out on a good post.

so last night i posted but i was tired. i am sorry, i couldn't help it. my bed was calling and the eyes were drooping. so i wrote short and went to bed.

ok so today is the day.
joe leaves.
the cats go to the vet.
i get to go eat german food.
i get to see my friends!!!!! (while eating german food)
i get to go and buy a bunch of tshirts for the dad's business.

i know what you must be thinking, but barb, the dad is gone, why does he need shirts for his business? well let me tell you.
i am taking his place while he is gone. yep that is right.
i get to do shirts. now it is not that hard because i need to order them and go pick them up, pay for them and then get my hands on the iron on transfers from church. then i have to put the transfers on the shirts. not a big deal.

wait, joe is leaving?
yep he leaves for the mediterranean unicycling tour! see the link at the side. :-)


Today, Barb is: getting ready for bed.

hello world, its me!
the day was fine.
the new prez will be coming by tomorrow, of course i have my half day and so i miss him. boo.

i am hot and tired and going to bed now.


Today, Barb is: hot and tired.
the world outside is hot.
barb is trying to stay somewhat cool inside.

but guess what i did? i got an appointment for the kitties to get a checkup on wednesday. now the only thing is making sure that i can get the kitties into the carrier thing that i have. oscar will be the most trouble. snuffy would stay where i put him, oscar on the other hand is a very fickle woman. but i have figured out a plan of attack. i am going to put the cat carrier on its end and then put oscar in the carrier and shut it and then shove snuffy in on top of her and close it and then put it back on the wheels.

also i am planning on mowing the lawn either tuesday or thursday. yeah.

oh and guess what? i am totally beating jim on the posting everyday challenge.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! i have finally beat him at something!


Today, Barb is: tired and already missing momma and pops.

so the 'rents are gone for 2 weeks. approximately.

i don't know, past that there isn't a whole lot going on.

the soon to be roommates bought a dog. picture may be coming soon. i dont' know.

ok, quick interuption from robot chicken

your momma is so dumb that she thought jar jar came with pickles pickles.
ahhh!!! that is from the Robot Chicken Star Wars episode and it is darth sidous in a 'your momma challenge' versus anakin.

ok i am going to go to bed now since i have a full day ahead of me.
night all!


Today, Barb is: cuttin' it reallllly close. but i am here none the less.

so it is a late night here at the Home Household.
Why? Well my dearest darling momsie and popsicle are getting ready to leave for alaska tomorrow. i get to be the pack horse and take them to the airport and pick them up when they get back. which means that they leave in about 12 hours and mom just started packing. dad is almost done. i am just tired of sitting and writing lists and checking things off the lists.

other than that the day had gone well.
there was a graduation party at church for a high school grad. she is the daughter of one of our contegual ed students (they go to seminary school and work with a church), her dad works at our church.

so that was fun. there was a lot of really good food that a friend of theirs from texas came up for the party and made for them. it was awesome.

my eyes are having a hard time staying open so i will bid you all a good night.
good night.


Today, Barb is: getting ready to celebrate! Celebrate good times come on!

So today is FINALLY Friday. Which means that we are much more relaxed here at work. I like Fridays. Especially because basically the 2 people that would keep everyone in line, are gone! Poof.

Well not gone gone, but not here today. Enforcer Number 1 is on vaca from Thursday (yesterday) thru Tuesday. so when the cat is away, the mice will play! hazzah!
Enforcer Number 2 is just taking a vaca day himself, he isn't really an enforcer, but the people who work under him feel like they need to be good when he is here and when he isn't, there is more talk, laughter and just general loudness from them.

So the Jim has already failed in his quest to post every single day this month. But the challenge still stands as brother vs sister.

So here is another! :-)

to A bro - i know I am a family dissapointment huh? Well, deal with it. Enlighten me or you can't blame me.

wikicitizen - i think i know who you are, but if i don't then, thanks. i think i kind of understand it now.... i think.

Joshua - umm I can't really read spanish, so sorry.

everyone else, if you will notice i have updated some of my links. feel free to peruse them. they are all good and funny and well.... I like them therefor if you don't, well you will suck then.


Today, Barb is: sorta confused.
and kind of feeling dumb.

so there is this thing called the Thursday Thirteen.
and i guess i am stupid enough that i dont know how to make a little banner thing and post it in my blog.

any help would be appreciated.

i would like to have a banner thingy so i can participate in them.

also, while you are at it, want to explain to me what a meme is?

i can just picture both my brothers sitting there reading this shaking their heads and growling at me going, 'how can you not know how to do any of this?'

Today, Barb is: continuing upward and onward in her goal!!!!

So last night was a lot of fun.
It was the dads work retirement party since today is the last day of work for the teachers and such. there were lots of people, some food and booze flowing.
there was cake. it was good cake. it was cub cake.

i woudl say the highlight of the night was having kim and joe there. i don't really get to see them that often anymore. mainly becuase they are busy when i am not and for some odd reason, if i have plans they want to get together with the rest of the fam. but they were there last night and it was a good time to be able to see them and hang out with them.

other than that, there was a cute guy there. a little older, but i dont mind. but i guess he is big into drinking and brags all about the women he gets and so that crossed him off the list.

i am wearing my new necklace today. it is cute. i will try and find a picture of it somewhere and it i have time i will post it. also, the other necklace i got is a ducky.

i have decided that i am going to decorate my bathroom with ducky accents.
ducky shower curtain hangers
ducky bottom of the tub so your feet don't slip things
small ducky figurines that i got at a garage sale, three for 50 cents.
cute ducky, but not an over load.


Today, Barb is: feeling as though the gauntlet has been thrown down and accepted!

well Jim, I accept your challenge.

"You will never post every day this month."

That is part of the comment he left for me in yesterdays blogging.
So today is going to be the start of a great rest of the week. One of the VPs here is gone which means there will be fun to be had!!!

Plus tonight is Dad's school retirement party. it should be fun.
other than that things are going well, minus the horrid phone interview. bleck.
OOOHH! i forgot to tell you this. so the bank has this thing called "bank lunch" where the bank pays for the whole place to have lunch on them and this coming friday (as in 2 days from now) we get bank lunch at ...
wait for it.....


Today, Barb is: having a good day. an ok day. maybe a day for the history books? naaah.

so the Jim is doing this thing where he is going to be trying to post everyday even if it is about nothing. i like that idea and so i am going to steal it also.
i thought of making it into a race, but i am already 4 days behind him, so it wouldn't be fair.
so here is the first post of my month long (hopefully) postings!

guess what i did today?
i had a phone interview. it is with RSM McGladrey for an HR Representative. I don't think it went very well, but you can never tell. I would like to say that it is in the bag, but i honestly don't think it has been my best interview. i am a much better in-person interviewer. people get to know me that way. people like me more when they get to meet me face to face. at least that is what i tell myself so i sleep good at night! :-)

i miss the song Convoy. i like the rubber duck part of it.
big bear this here's rubber duck.

i want to be rubber duck.