
Today, Barb is: excited for the second thursday thirteen!

so, in honor of my first woot purchase, the thirteen thing barb has bought or wants to buy!

number 1!!!!! that would be my new combination blender and food processor from woot. it arrived today and i am very excited to use it soon!!!
the second is a 'want to buy'. it would Kathy Griffin. I would like nothing more that to buy her and make her follow me around as my conscience and just generally making my life incredibily fun and funny.

this next little bute it number 3. that would be my laptop. it is an acer aspire 5100 and it was a good deal for the amount of computer i got.
so number 4 is one of my favorite movies. Little Miss Sunshine. such a great movie. i honestly don't know what else to say, if you haven't seen it, you must.

number 5 is a what i want to buy. that would be a fun townhouse. something like below would be the greatest. but i have to get my dream job first.
number 6.... well number 6 is what i want to buy and love A LOT. you know what i mean.
number 7 and number 8 are two books that i really really really want to get.
anya and shiloh are 2 of my favorite authors and i just need to save money so i can get both these books which i am sure will rock just as much as all the other of there books i have read.
number 9 is something that i would like to purchase in the future. i think it would be really cool to have.
now number 10, number 10 took some consideration. i can just stare at him like this forever. i like the kind of dirty look on him. yummy.
while we are on the topic, here is number 11 for ya! it is columbus short. he makes me toes curl.
number 12 is the last thing that i want. if anyone wants to buy this for me, it is in scotland. i have been there and no one is living in it so i am sure it could be bought.

OOOOOOHHHHHHHH WWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! this is number 13 and i love it a whole lot! that would be my new car. it is a 2004 4 door chevy aveo ls. silver (it took me a long time to find a picture of one exactly like mine), sunroof, power everything, and i LOVE IT!


Anonymous said...

I'll go halfers on the castle. We can timeshare!

Oh, and check the Bradford Bunch, Anya is giving away a signed copy of Witch Fire! I won one at a chat last week and The Man thought all the screaming meant someone was bleeding.

Rhian said...

Heyya Barb - these are GREAT! And you definitely MUST lay your hands on Witch Fire. Anya sent me an ARC of it awhile back and as much as love all her stories - that one was the best. So much so that i bought a copy just so i'd have one with the pretty cover art to sit with the ARC on the Author's Altar. I'm kinda dorky like that. heh.

Anonymous said...

Orlando Bloom and a red scooter - loved the variety of this list.

Mine's up too: contradictory proverbs. Do stop by!