
Today, Barb is: a little bit on the cool side, but that would make sense since it is COLD outside.

i thought it was supposed to be spring. what a load of mularky.

On Friday night I was exposed to the new love in my life, Minnesota RollerGirls!
It is now my mission to drag every last one of my friends to a bout atleast once in their lives.

Other than that I don't have a whole lot of new things to report in my life.
I did happen to find this one thing online....I find it interesting, and I have joined. Will you?

Remember Horton Hears a Who? All the Who's make a noise at the same time, and even though they are small they get heard? A number of us bloggers want to try an experiment. We want to gather 30,000 bloggers together to shout all at once, and see how loudly we get heard. Why 30,000? Because that is the number of people originally represented by 1 congressional district in the United States. It is a small number when you think of it, but it can have a huge voice.

Go here.

Yea so i am not smart enough to figure out how to make the little 'here' button pop it up. Sue me.

Just a random thing,
apparently Arnold Schwartenegger and Rush Limbaugh are attacking each other. One seems to think the other is a 'closet liberal' !!!!!!!!


Today, Barb is: having to go to the bathroom!

to much information?
i don't care.

so there isn't a whole lot new in the life of barb.
still has her cute little car!
going to be moving into an apartment with her friends Eric and Ryan in August.
saving money for all the things that i will need to buy for my apartment.
list being
-new tires (maybe)
-new computer
-new bed and frame
-other random furniture that will probably be from Ikea since it is kinda cheap
-other random stuff that is needed to decorate the new place

that is just the tip of the iceberg.
more lists will come as it gets closer to moving time.

good news is that they are going to let us paint! they have 6 specific colors that they let us chose from (becasue if we use those, we don't have to pay for it is get repainted) and they are going to buy us the first gallon!

other than that, things are still going well.
not working at the Depot anymore. enjoying having nights and weekends to myself. we will see how it goes with the new place. right now my budget is looking good. enough to pay for everything and still be saving. but if i got a part time job, then i would have more money to put away and save for a townhome.

ok. barb over and out!