
so the resignation from senate was good.
people liked my note for them, and i was in the paper again!!!!!
i was in the paper with the Vagina mOnologues, i just want to put a quote in here...
" "I know there will be some people who will be heistant with the Vagina Monologues. People think, "Oh my gosh, it has the word vagina in it" said Barb director and producer. But the word vagina didn't seem to bother to many people on Thursday night. The monologues delivered a variety of emotions to the audience. Some dealt with humerous issies about what your vagina would say if it coudl talk, while other monologues gave testimonies of rape and abuse. The preformance celecrated women's sexuality and strength and exposed violence endured by women throughout the world"

that is the writter of the article, Anne, she is amazing!
and a friend of mine, John Gavin was quoted and this is his quote
"I thought it was excellent because it was funny and serious. It looked inside the violence of women and opened my eyes"
that from johnny boy!

i was so proud when i read the paper
i would suggest for my buds on campus, get a paper, and for my rent's, I will bring like, 5 copoes home!

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