
So, since a bunch of people i know have these blog things, i have decided to become a lemming and make one for me too!
ok, so i guess i really don't have much to say as of right now.

well yes i do.
i hate being sick. i wish being sick was something cool like winning the lotto or something because then i could be all happy and jump around be like...
WOOHOOO! im sick! yea!!!!!

but its just not.

my brother (the Trollhunting spoon) asked Kristene (his girlfriend) to marry him. she said yes. they might be moving to SIAPAN!!!! it is a long story, but the basics is, Kristene might get a job teaching art there and jim will go with her. so that means just when i am gettting my othe bro Joe, back inthe state, the other is moving out of the HEMISPHERE!!! it is not fair i tell you!

yea so that is all from me for right now
i want a taco.

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