
alrighty, so this is how my day has been going.
first i wake up so i can go to breakfast with my girls, it is going well, and then i get done eating and i am still thirsty so i go and fill up my little juice cup with water. bad idea so i get the water and what do i do? i spill it ALL OVER myself. it was horible! it looked like i had peed my pants! i was so mortified! BUT luckily i was wearing my super khakis so it was all good. the water dried in a matter of like 4 minutes and i was able to go to class , mostly unembarassed. what are my super khakis you ask yourself? well they are a pair of khaki pants that i found on sale for 5 bucks a while back, and i LOVE them! i could wear these pants for like a month and there would be NOTHING on them! they are amazing! have you even seen the one commercial when the guy goes all over the place for his bachelor party and comes back home and his khakis are perfectly fine, yea, well those would be mine! they are amazing!

alright, so the old guys who always sit in our student center are SO funny! they sit there and discuss everything, from the budget to like the oncoming war and what their kids are doing. they are so funny to watch because they get SO passionate and they start waving their hands around and yelling and then they eventually all get up and start around their chairs and yell at each other. they funniest thing about it is, they all feel the same way about the issues!!!!!! they yell about the fact that they all agree! it is so funny to watch!

so my parents are right now inthe Carribean , it is so not fair! i want to go with them, but they wouldn't let me! i was sad, but my mom told me that she would try to bring me back a ring for me! so i am excited about that. and spring break is almost here, so that means that i figure out where i am living next year. well i need to figure that out soon, atleast. as of right now i am working on typing and not looking at the keyboard, i think i am doing ok. some words are kinda confusing, but i am getting there and it is coming along really well all in all i think. i can type pretty fast when i look AT the keys, so now i am trying to type fast without looking at the keys.

i hope all is going well for all of you. hopefully i will have no more run-ins with water, but if i am wearing my super khakis i should have no problem!
later all!

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