
my computer is the shit!
why might you ask?
the answer plain and simple,
my brothers.
ok, so here is the breakdown as of why,
joe put it together for me in the beginning.
then he upgraded my software and put a big ole hole in my tower , covered it with plexiglass, and then added a red neon light.
jim, upgraded from there.
then he gave me back my motherboard and added.... Roller Coaster Tycoon.
my computer is 'the shit'

the only draw back, RCT is a horribly addicting game, and it will be to big of a temptation for me!!!! but its all good! i love my bros! and they are computer GENIUSES so that is always good to.

plus it is Spring break right now, and all is going well!!!! nothing to do, no homework, none of that pesky deadlines....

oh, a side note - for those of you who don't already know, I have changed my major!!!
first it was Broad Area Social Sciences with an emphasis in Philosophy, and as much as i LOVE philosophy, i needed something different. so i changed it....
Broad Area Bussiness Administration with an emphasis in Management .

well what am i going to do with it ?
HUMAN RESOUCE MANAGEMENT!!!! wheeeeeeee! i am not being sarcastic in case you wanted to know. i am really excited about it! because that is what i think i really watn to do with my life,

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