
Today, Barb is feeling: a little sad.
today is valentines day.
will you be my valentine?

i cant be that sad, after all i am in Scotland!
so god news, i have decided what i want to do for spring break.
i am going to London for 2 days and Ireland for 7 days. there is this tour company called www.Paddywagontours.com
and they have a 6 day tour of all of ireland for only £180. which is really good because that includes the places to stay and all breakfasts and even the enterance fee's to the places where normally you would have to pay to get into. so i decided that since the airfare from Edinburgh to London isn't that bad, only like £3 and then from London to Dublin is only about £8 and then from Dublin to Edinburgh is only like £12 then it is a really good deal. i know people who have booked only the flights and it is more than that. i know a couple people who are going to spain and just the flight there was £250. so i kinda figured that i picked a good choice.
my other choice was to do Amsterdamn for 3 days, Berlin for 3 days, and Prague for 3 days. but i didn't have to see those places, and i REALLY wanted to see Ireland the most. so i think i did good.

yestrerday we were supposed to meet our host families, but i was an orphan. :-(
my fmaily never showed up., so i have to call them tonight and figure out when i am going to meet them. ok, well,m short and sweet.


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