
Today, Barb is feeling: a bit tired

i hurt my toe
i think it is actually an infection. i was cutting my toenails and now my big toe hurts. it has a red bump on it. it hurts after i press on it. i dont know what to do. so any and all input would be appreciated. we should hold a contest, what should barb do and the winner get a prize!! like a postcard from me!
yea i think that sounds good.
contest is a go!

so barblind.com is up and running, but you can't yell at joe, because i haven't given him my pictures to put up yet. so yell at me instead. i think that either tomorrow or wednesday i will have time to put stuff up online. i have homework to do for most of tonight.

so yesterday i got to talk to both my mom and my dad and even my grandma! it was a good time had by all. so as i sit here at the computer, with my flipflops on so my toe can get air and stay dry i wonder who is missing me back at home.
what is it like back there without me?
will i get my Resident Assisstant position that i want?
will i get the infodesk position that i want?
is Best Buy in dire need of my special help that only i can give it?
do people at my church even know that i am not there?
do i look sad sitting here hunched over with my hood on?
what is the time air speed of a swallow?
can i mentally connect with my computer so i dont have to type, i just have to think?
am i really sad, or do i just think that i am because i am not at home?
if i found a clean needle and poked my little red bump on my toe, would i get puss and would it feel better?
do i wallow in self pity this much at any other point in time?

interesting set of questions, i wonder what my answers will be tomorrow


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