
Today, Barb is: super uber happy that today is friday!!!!!

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TGIF!
whoop whoop.

so have you missed me?
don't be shy, i know you have.
i missed you too, so don't worry.

so, what have i been doing?
well, i have been dog sitting, but i think you already know that. the dog is a good dog, but he is scarred of fireworks and when he gets scarred he thinks he turns into a lap dog. being a 125 pound dog and thinking you are a lap dog... well lets just say that those 2 things don't make for the best of sleeping conditions.
but other than that, things are going well on the dog sitting front.
now i would say that i am looking for a job, but that sounds like i just started so instead i will say, i am still looking for a job.
if anyone out there in the metro area is looking for a hard working, HR assisstant with some experience, let me know, because i am the gal for you!

so someone told me that another person told them that after reading the last few days it sounds like all i do is complain on here. what are your thoughts?

now i understand where that person is coming from because i know that the last few days have been pretty stinkin' crappy for me and instead of going out and getting drunk or possibly hauling off and jumping over the desk and tackeling someone who bothers me at work, i vent about it.

so yea,
well. i have to get back to the audit guy we have here. this is my first audit that he is looking at a BUNCH of my stuff and my stuff alone! eek! :-)

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