
Today, Barb is: at work. doing her thang. you know.

so there isn't a whole lot going on in the life of me.
this weekend is RF Days and so i may be there.
next weekend is the local community festival that i am working at for the bank.
the weekend after that is is weekend up at my moms friends cabin which i am really really excited for! we eat, swim (sometimes), play card games, play other games, drink, eat and play more card games. it is a weekend that i love and look forward to every summer.

also...... baaaaaaaa - dum!
12 days from now and i will be moving in to my new place with the boys.
oh, yea that week i also took off so i can get everything ready for moving and so i won't be at the bank the whole week of the 23rd thru the 27th. and then that is the cabin weekend, so basically that is going to be a great 10 days!

that is basically all from me here. have a good day, i will work at getting the thursday thirteen if i have time, but i can't promise anything.

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