
Today, Barb is: feeling kinda frustrated.

looking at jobs is fun.
finding a job that doesn't have a ton of experince is HARD!

all i want to do is shake the people who talk to me and say 'IF YOU GIVE ME EXPERIENCE I WILL HAVE SOME!!!' ok. it is the whole double edged sword. if you don't have experience then we don't need you, but no one will hire me to give me experience! rha.

why is the saying 'a double edged sword'? that is like stating the obvious. duh. it is a sword. swords have 2 sharp sides. and yet i use that saying a lot...... humm i will have to think about that.

ok so the going-ons with me.
jim and kristene are coming home for the weekend
highland fest is this weekend.
i move on tuesday.
i am taking my vacation time to pack and move.
i get a WHOLE WEEK OFF!!! eeekkk! happy dance!
joe and the rest of TCUC is practising for national that are coming up soon.
kim's baby bump is growing bigger and she is looking prettier everyday! she has the 'baby-glow' as i like to call it.
i still love me my car.

pretty boring i know. my goal is to find my camera in cleaning and take pics of the before and after we move in. again, i repeat. this is my GOAL. :-)



Today, Barb is: at work. doing her thang. you know.

so there isn't a whole lot going on in the life of me.
this weekend is RF Days and so i may be there.
next weekend is the local community festival that i am working at for the bank.
the weekend after that is is weekend up at my moms friends cabin which i am really really excited for! we eat, swim (sometimes), play card games, play other games, drink, eat and play more card games. it is a weekend that i love and look forward to every summer.

also...... baaaaaaaa - dum!
12 days from now and i will be moving in to my new place with the boys.
oh, yea that week i also took off so i can get everything ready for moving and so i won't be at the bank the whole week of the 23rd thru the 27th. and then that is the cabin weekend, so basically that is going to be a great 10 days!

that is basically all from me here. have a good day, i will work at getting the thursday thirteen if i have time, but i can't promise anything.


Today, Barb is: super uber happy that today is friday!!!!!

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TGIF!
whoop whoop.

so have you missed me?
don't be shy, i know you have.
i missed you too, so don't worry.

so, what have i been doing?
well, i have been dog sitting, but i think you already know that. the dog is a good dog, but he is scarred of fireworks and when he gets scarred he thinks he turns into a lap dog. being a 125 pound dog and thinking you are a lap dog... well lets just say that those 2 things don't make for the best of sleeping conditions.
but other than that, things are going well on the dog sitting front.
now i would say that i am looking for a job, but that sounds like i just started so instead i will say, i am still looking for a job.
if anyone out there in the metro area is looking for a hard working, HR assisstant with some experience, let me know, because i am the gal for you!

so someone told me that another person told them that after reading the last few days it sounds like all i do is complain on here. what are your thoughts?

now i understand where that person is coming from because i know that the last few days have been pretty stinkin' crappy for me and instead of going out and getting drunk or possibly hauling off and jumping over the desk and tackeling someone who bothers me at work, i vent about it.

so yea,
well. i have to get back to the audit guy we have here. this is my first audit that he is looking at a BUNCH of my stuff and my stuff alone! eek! :-)