
Today, Barb is: having the song, My Sharona running through her head alllll day long.

so yea.

first off we had this guy who came in to get his interest from his cd and he smelled like a combination of ammonia and what i would expect embaling fluid to smell like. needless to say i was VERY GLAD when he left my desk and i was able to spray my disinfecting stuff.

second we have gotten the paternity results and for all you out there in cyberland, Larry is the father of Anna Nicoles baby. That is the blond guy, if anyone cares.

thirdly, i forget how much i LOVE john stewart. I know that i always enjoy watching him and the Daily Show, but i always forget to watch it. but the past few days i have been able to watch it. love it. that is all i can say.

if you haven't heard, then you haven't talked to me lately but
Can you tell that i am excited?
Yep ladies and gentlemen, my wonderful lovely sister-in-law Kim is pregnant!
Come October, I will be an auntie. It seems that October is the baby month becasue that is when my best friend growing up is having her baby (whoo hooo Erin!!!!) and that is also the month (i think) that my other friends Cori and Brett are going to have poppin out their second kid!!!

October is just going to be a baby filled month for me, and I can't wait! :-)

that is all.
barb is over and out.

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