
Today, Barb is: confused and cold.

ok so i know that everyone and their mother are talking about the Virgina Tech shooting.
it is a given.
if you haven't heard about it, you are either
a - living under a rock - or -
b - ignoring every possible stimuli option (radio, tv, internet, newspaper)

basically a guy went crazy and killed a bunch of people.

so the thing that sort of bothers me is the fact that there are people calling for the resignation of the president of the school and the chief of police. they did not kill anyone!
they didn't do anything other than have the misfortune of being in a place of power when a troubled young man decided to make some horrible choices.

i went to a smaller school.
the only reason that i knew the president is because i worked on campus at a very visable job, and i was really active on student senate and she made a point of being involved with it.

a normal student really didn't have a whole lot of interaction with my president, even though she was called the 'students chancellor' (we call our university presidents, chancellors, but for the sake of this i have changed to president, and when our chancellor died and the replacement came in, we didn't see him a whole lot)

there is no way that the president or chief of police can be held responsible. there is no way in the whole world that they would have been able to change anything that happened. was it their responsibility to talk to every single student? granted there was the teacher who was worried about him, so there was some sort of warning flag, but on a university campus, it is hard to keep in touch with every single teacher and student.

ok. there is my rant for the day.
over and out 10-4 good buddy!

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