
Today, Barb is: excited for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why you might ask?
Well! Let me just tell you my schedule!
Listen up, there will be a test at the end.

9 am - work at the bank ( i know, you are all thinking, what the crap? why is she excited about having to go to work on a saturday morning of all things? But, I got thursday afternoon off and it gives me a chance to do most of my monday morning stuff so i get an easier day!)

noon - come home and take a nap.
yeah for naps! just me, my bed, my cats and maybe a book!

4ish - meet my friends for an early dinner. we are meeting at Pizza Luce where i have never actually been, but have heard nothing but good things about.

after pizza, going to go and stand in line for RollerGirls!!!! they are giving away free water bottles to the first like 400 people and i intend to get one!

Minnesota RollerGirls are having their last bout for the season and I am dragging a few of my buds along with me! after that there is a possiblity of heading over to the after bout party at O'Garas in Saint Paul.

yeah for barb and her fun plans!

now the hard part.
what will barb be doing on Sunday?

i didn't tell you that part! But i told you there was going to be a quiz!

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