
Today, Barb is feeling: as giddy as a school girl!

so i was on my way here to write and what do i see? but my blog and my blogs alter ego have posted things for me! i just love the fact that my blog talks to me. it is great!

so today is thuirsday.
quick recap of this weeks events.
on saturday night me and a bunch of my friends went to the Drive In.
I invited Ed, but he never called me.
the movies were, I Robot (which is wicked cool!)
Dodgeball (really funny)
The day After Tomorrow (i didn't like it, to many plot holes and the fact that it is a disaster movie)

sunday i slept and didn't go to church.
monday my mom put me to work. and i think i had to go to work too
tuesday my mom was a slave driver and made me work to. NO, tuesday is the day i had to work, not monday.
wednesday i worked at home and went to see Ruth and the dogs that i will be dog sitting for in a week or so. dad also went and got a new convertible. NICE. it is a pretty dark green with a black top. oh yea, joe and i fought too.
today is thursday. i had to work. mom and dad went out for dinner with Grandma. and i think that is about all that happened.

now for this coming weekend,
friday i am going to lunch with Dad and Ed. it will be interesting to see what happens there.
friday night i work, saturday night i work, and i might even be working sunday night. i am not sure yet, i might work for my buddy Tap. (and just so you all know, for some reason we have all started calling one another by our names backwards, so Tap is actuallt Pat. and i am Brab. it is a weird media thing, dont worry)

so that is about all from here.
but i got this thing from my amazing friend Cori and i just needed to have you all look at it!

i have gotten this before, and i just think that everyone should at one point in time, see it and appreciate it.
i call it The Twenty-One Things People Should Know Before They Die.

ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk t o. As you get older, theirconversational skills will be as Important as any other.

THREE. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all youwant.

FOUR. When you say, "I love you," mean it.

FIVE. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.

EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreamsdon't have much.

NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's theonly way to live life completely.

TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

ELEVEN. Don't judge people by their relatives

TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.

THIRTEEN. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer,smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve greatrisk.

FIFTEEN. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson

SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect forothers; and Responsibility for all your actions.

EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

NINETEEN. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate stepsto correct it.

TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it inyour voice.

TWENTY-ONE. Spend some time alone.


Today, Barb is feeling: her heart fill with joy for Vis and her brain go to mush

so,  today is a banner day in the life of Barbs blog. 
Da Vis commented!!!!!
that means that he has visited and actually using his computer for something other than work or games.  i am so gosh darned proud!!!  kinda like when a mom watches her baby take those first steps.  hi vis.

i am going insane. 
i wrote a note to Ed.  a NOTE!!!! 
not even like an email or something, but a note!
i invited him to come to the drive in on saturday with me and my buds.  and in it, i gave him my number.  dum dum duuuuu.........

i am not weirded out yet, but i can garantee you that everytime my phone rings and it is an unknown number, i will jump out of my skin!!!

so i like the look of my blog now.  i like the blue color and all the squares and everything.  what do you think?  read my previous blog and comment


Today, Barb is feeling: like a change is in order

so what do you think of the new  format and color scheme?
please lemme know!
Today, Barb is feeling: MAD!!!!!!!!!

so i just read the Project Greenlight Screenplay that won, and it SUCKS!
they had the top 6 and 4 of them were really really good.  but the one that they picked, was CRAP.  it blows and it incredibly dumb.

now that we are past the venting portion of the blog,
it seems that my blog is talking to me, (see day befores comment section).

i have been abit busy.  this weekend i was up at the Shepard cabin for saturday thur monday.  it was great fun.  lots of food, cards and friends!  and then monday we came back and didn't do anything.  tuesday i worked and that was about it.  today is wednesday and today is moms cataract (sp?)  surgery.  it happened this morning at like 7 am  and so now she has a patch over her one eye.  it is funny.  she kinda looks like a pirate.  but the patch is silver not black.  so my dad and i were talking about making it black for her.

lets see.... what else has been going on with me....?
ah yea, i had lunch with Ed!  it was great fun.  he brought a buddy of his with so it was cool and no really weird odd moments.

there, is that a good enough entry for you blog?  are you going to keep talking to me?  :-)


Today, Barb is feeling: well, wondering more. wondering what happened to all the boy bands and members.

so i was watching the MTV all music video channel today and i saw a NSYNCK music video., that got me thinking. what ever happened to all those boy bands that were all the rage a few years ago?

well, there is still Justin, and Nick (with dumb wife Jessica) but what ever happened to the rest of the band mates and all the other boys?

there was like 5 in both NSYNCK and Backstreet boys, and then 98degrees and LFO and i think there are a bunch of them that i am forgetting, but what happened?

lance at one point in time wanted to be an astronoaut, right? and JC put out another CD by himself. but what about the others? there was joey and what was the other ones name? what happened to them? are they trying to get more music together, or are they like flipping burgers at McDonalds because they didn't save thier money. Joey tried to act. he was in MY Big Fat Greek Wedding, and didn't Lance try somemovie about a girl and a subway car?
but you never have heard of them since.

and then the Backstreet boys!
you haven't heard ANYTHING from any of them in a LONG time. i don't even think thatany of them tried a solo career. wait... didn't Nick try it?? so where are those guys?

and then 98 degrees. the sucked to begin with. now you see Nick and his wife jessica ALL over the place! but you never see anyof the other guys.

and LFO. they had one song. summer girls. so i don't think that we can even count them in this.

well, yeah.
i got to have Lunch with Ed today!!!!!


Today, Barb is feeling: EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!


it is about the Constitutional ammendment to the constitution to define marrige and everything.

needless to say, 50 nays to 48 yeas
with the next president and vice president not voting.

WHEEE to the NAYS!


Today, Barb is feeling: good.

so i know that i haven't been here in a bit. i am sorry for that.

lets see, what has gone on since i was last here.

mom and dad are home from Saipan.
i am working (little but atleast working)
had a good 4th of July with all my friends at Tom and Crystals.
sorry christie, i haven't seen Farenheit 9-11 yet. i really really want to, but cori and i are supposed to go and see it sometime. i think i need to get on her for that. both cori and i have basically the same political view (as does christie) and so we both want to see the movie. i think i will need to email cori and find out what day she doen't work and go and see the Matinee that day.

get this,
so about a week ago, i was working the New Release table in the front of the store. it is right bewteen the doors and where the wireless-PDA stuff is. i was glad to be there becasue then i can talk to my friend Mandy. and there was this guy there for like almost an hour getting his phone set up and taking care of all of it. since he was working with mandy, i was talking with them also. because i didn't have anything to do. both mandy and i were of the same thought, that the man was scrumptous. after he left, mandy told me that he got is phone number. she was excited and so that was good. but the next day, she told me that they talked and he was asking about me, and wanted to know all this stuff about me. sadly mandy didn't know much, because she and i have been working together only like a month. when i heard this, i was confused. i am not a person that people ask about. people always ask me about outher people. so i was confused.

then today she told me that she and the guy had talked again, and again he was asking about me. even said 'she's cute' (in reference to me). again. CONFUSION
i don't think this guy remembers who i am!
but, since mandy and i were talking about hanging out some time outside of work, we exchanged numbers. she also told me that the next time the guy asked about me, she was going to give him my number. so i figured why not! what is there to lose. still not totally sure what will happen if anything, but no worries. i will keep all updated as to anything that occurs. ( i have a feeling that nothing will happen because the guy was GORGEOUS!!!, but why not?!?!)


Today, Barb is feeling: tired and hot

the day has been a success!!!!!
i am back from the Taste of Minnesota and have nothing broken, sprained or even hurt!!!!

but my cheeks do sting a bit.
they got sun. sun sun sun!
so my rosy apple red cheeks are now from sun, not laughing.
Today, Barb is feeling: nervous

today i get to go back to the Taste of Minnesota and do security again.
i am nervous.
last year i was there like 4 hours and i sprained my ankle.
i am scared that this year it will happen again.
but my parents wont be there to meet me at the doctors office and take care of me.
this makes me nervous.
so for all you out there in computer land, send me good vibes all day long.
and pray that i keep my feet flat on the ground.

and a work of warning.
i am taking like, 12 phone numbers with me, so if you get a call from me, it means you need to come and get me at my doctors office.
