
Today, Barb is feeling: rather confused about life in general

So I talked to my mom today about Disney.
Apparently since she is a teacher I am covered in Family Health Insurance and so she really doesn't pay for my insurance, but if i were to go to Disney, it would be $200 a month just in case, for the insurance.
So needless to say, that Disney is out of the question as of right now. Well, that would prolly be forever since i don't think i will be able to do it unless I am a student and i won't be a full time student if i am down there, and so the conclusion is
no disney.

i didn't realize how excited i was actually about Disney until the whole thing had the final kabosh on it. it was weird. like my chest expanded and contracted at the same time and i got really sad.
needless to say, i didn't really think that not being able to go would make me so sad.
well, it is the perfect day because i get to go and work out and then i teach piano and then i get to go to Olive Garden with Erin and that will be fun to catch up with her for a while.

it was kinda cute though, my mom was talking to my dad on the phone and to me online, and she said,
"Just so you know, Dad and I talked about all the different possibilites. You going with no insurance was not one of them. Just keep your eyes and ears open for the next option. We are not trying to ground you."

isn't my mom cute?!?!?
i think so atleast. so maybe i should start looking at the different stuff we have around here. i know that i could like go to Scottland, sometime... or maybe take a semester and go to like New Zealand. For a small school, we have a good number of things that I might be able to do.

later yo!

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