
so yea,
it has reached that time of the year again......
bells jingling, people sleding on the ice, cars careening into each other out on the streets,
and the coupe de grace,

i hate finals, they suck so much
and i really hate them because they are, like... a big freaking test.
so there is only like one or 2 finals that i am somewhat worried about, as for my CSIS, i am worried in general, i have not done good in that class, becuse the whole grade is based on like, 2 tests that are CRAZY INSANE DIFFICULT!!!!!!
so i might take that class again over J term because i need atleast a c in it to pass for my major. and then there is econ, i did good on the first test, TOTALLY sucked it up on the second and as long as i can pull off like, a C on the final, i should be a-ok. it isa the same thing for math, but that is becuase i HATE math and math HATES me, and math is the devil, and i really don't like it, can you tell that i don't like math?

but toher than that, i am doing good in school. being involved can have its drawback, like the fact that i have almost NO time for people that i would WANT to talk to but can't. and then this weekend, i am SUPER bus studying for finals and working at the Info desk, and like that is my whole weekend, with a HUGE emphasis on the STUDYING!!!!!!!!!!!

but there is a good thing on the way, i get APID on firday, !!! that would be tomorrow, !!! :-)
i am very excited about that,!

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