
so as i am sitting here in the Information Desk, i keep seeing people that i used to know and that i don't really know anymore... and they always say hi and how are you. i wonder how many of those people actually care like how i am acxtually doing. i know that it is a nice thing to do, but i feel that it is so trite. (for those of you, that means that i feel it is crap for them to do that). if you want to give yourself a nice warm fuzzy feeling, that is great, but don't do it at my expense. if you want to say hi, that isi great, but dont ask how i am doing when you dont want to know. i think people need to be more real. not like, reality show real, but like actual real. you don't have to be so damn superficial.

wow, i kinda sound like a bithc.

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