
so as i a logging on, i see the most recently posted on the side of the page and i see this one.... www.nakedfurniture.blogspot.com
being who i am, i just HAD to go and see what is was about.
needless to say, i love it, and would highly suggest visiting it myself

oh, the other semi random blog that i have taken a shine to,
i don't know who these people are... but i love thre blogs and it you get the need to wonder around like i do, i would suggest visiting their pages.

so it is the christmas eve day.
yesterday i wanted to hurt my mom. know that i love my mom and that i know i wil grow up to be her, but i just wanted to pull my hair out. she got on this random cleaning binge. for those of you who don't know her or my family, well... mainly her and me, packrats. that is all i have to say. so everyso often she gets an itch to clean. now normally it wilo be gone in like, an hour or so, but this one actually stuck around for like 5 hours. so that means that since i am home from college, i have become her free manual labor. 5 hours of cleaning, and that saddest part is that our house doen't look any different. i hope that i will over come my packrattyness. i need to marry someone who is clean, well semi clean and semi organized and i need that to rub off on me. so after cleaning and fightening with my mom (its a mother/daughter thing) i got to putt around the house and did some clothes washing and junk like that.

then today, i got to wrap presents. i LOVE wrapping presents. in the past years, i have used to much tape and paper and this year i really cut down. it was great, esp. since i decided to have lots and lots of fun wrapping, lets just say my artistic side came out and there are a bunch of presents that are wrapped in like different paper layers. it is great fun. if i knew how to put pics up here, i would make my bro take a pic of one of his presents so i could show you all. but i had a good time, and getting ther presents and stuff together made it feel alot more like christmas. i have had some trouble this year, i am so used to tradition, that i want it to be like the christmas's we had back in the day with all the people there and all the food, and presents, and family. but, half of that exteded fam is in the west coast, others are with step family and jim and kristene are in SAIPAN! but i do get joe and kim and gram'a a;long with the rents. so it is better than some peoples., but just not waht i am used to.

but like with gettting ready to go to church and then grandmas and then seeing all the colorfull wrapping paper, it is starting. i think some of the reason that it feels weird is because we have no tree. no nothin. wait, we did put out a christmas wreath on the door, but that is all. so i am excited to go to grandmas because she should have a tree and if not, then joe and kim better have one!~

this is a really long blog, so i have to run,
i have to take a shower and get all pretty and junk for church
have a merry christmas everyone!!!!!
and kiss and hug all your family. i cannot stress that enough.
kiss and hug them all, even if you don't like some of them, you still need to cherish them.


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