
Today, Barb is: wondering why work sucks so much?

maybe it is what i am doing.
maybe it is the fact that i am like a month behind.
maybe it is the fact that i need a new job.

yep. that has come again. the time of the month where barb looks for a job, sees a job she really really wants, gets interviews, and then doesn't get it. it is a vicious vicious cycle. it sucks. but alas. that is the world with barb.

i am currently working on my Thursday Thirteen and since Eric is not feeling well we are not going to Merlin's Rest for fish and chips tonight. insert sad face here. there is a chance that i may just go and have dinner myself tonight there. i don't know. i will let you know.

threw a baby shower for the sister in law who is pregnant. that went well.
baby is due at the beginning of october. so i will hopefullly have some pics up when the babe is born. i am taking guesses as to if it is a girl or a boy. we don't know.

i went to the Melting Pot last night because work (in a surprisingly nice gesture) wanted to recognize everything i have done lately and told me to take my significant other out for dinner on them. so i took eric, not quite my significant other, but the closest gayest thing i have. we had fun. i am still full and this is the day after!

found a couple new blogs that i like. been a lurker for most of them.
took pictures that will be going up today of my bedroom area in the new apt. (hint hint TT, cough) so that should be cool.

just got invited to a movie sneak peek tonight for free that i might go to. the new Ron Howard one...? something about the astronaunts, i am not sure.

ok. back to work i go!

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