
Today, Barb is: having a pretty good day.

things are going well in the land of barb.
the lease has been officially signed and we begin moving in to the new place approx July 23rd-ish.
the car is still great and beautiful and i love it.
Kim is still pregnant. Cori is still pregnant. Erin is still pregnant.
Basically everyone is pregnant.
Work is going ok.
I have applied for another job that i REALLY want. So I will keep you up to date with that.

Mom and dad will be leaving for about 2 weeks for their cruise to Alaska come the 10th.
that means barb will be all by herself.
any one want to come over and keep her company? :-)

I don't really know that there is anything else going on lately.
I have a wedding that I am going to this weekend. They are the rich family members so it will hopefully be a good time.

1 comment:

Daisy Dexter Dobbs said...

I liked the part at the end about going to the wedding of some rich family members. :-) It's always great to get a chance to see how the other half lives, isn't it? Hope it was lots of fun!