
Today, Barb is: glad to be back!
so a new year is upon us!

now this is normally the time that i go through the 'new years lose weight resolution'.
not this year. i never do it and so i am not going to set myself up for failure already.

what am i going to do? well i am going to try and be healthier for the rest of my life.
eating right, more excersice than normal, get out and do stuff.

so the life is going well on my end.
the apartment is going OK. it was really really bad for a while. i found out that my apartment was invested with bed bugs. not cool. not cool at all. the only shining light is my friend erin. she works with a big bug killing place and she came out and being the certified applicatior that she is, she sprayed and did stuff to make them go away. she came back on wednesday and did a check and they are GONE! so that is good. it was really gross knowing that i had lots of little friends wanting me and living with me for a while but i learned all sorts of things about bed bugs. you have bed bug questions? call me your resident expert now!

1 - they are nocturnal
2 - they like beds and couches (places where people spend time in the dark at)
3 - they are small and find all sorts of exciting places to hide (they like where seams come together and if you have a pillow top, they really like to hide in corners and creavases)
4 - they suck your blood
5 - they don't carry any disease
6 - you can buy mattress and box spring covers to trap them and kill them
7 - if you can trap them, they can live up to 8-12 months without food (ie blood)
8 - 20% of the human population is allergice to the bed bug bite (i am part of that percent)
9 - sustained extreme cold or sustained extreme heat can kill them
10 - it doesn't matter where you live or what lifestyle you live, you can get them in penthouse apartments or crappy hole in the wall condos (i have a run of the mill crappy apartment)
11 - bed bugs don't care what your skin color is, what religion you are, what your political leanings are, if you have warm running blood; you are their friend.

so christmas was really good.
i got some awesome cooking/baking stuff. i got a bunch of sweet pyrex baking dishes, new airbake cookie sheets (which people tell me are AMAZING) and stackable cookie cooling sheets. i also got some book ends, a clothing steamer, a sewing kit, new towels.. just a bunch of great stuff! oh, and my gift to myself? a GPS. nothing fancy, just one of those day after thanksgiving sale ones. but i had a 10% off card and so it was only 90 bucks! not to bad i say, not to bad.

so there you have it.
make it a great year!

(oh, i should be coming back more often now, so check back!)

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