
Today, Barb is feeling: ok.
hey all, so guess what?
i think, Think, THINK, that i might have a job. now i don't know for sure yet, but i should know by monday for sure.

i have decided that i have a few new tv shows that i am addicted to.
so the first is
Fire Me... Please!
it is a show where people go to a new job for the first day and trys to get fired as close to 3 pm as possible. it is so incredibly funny!

the other show that i really like is Clean Sweep.
i think this is becuase i am getting ready for the "Clean Sweep" that Kristene and i are going to be having here at the hosue for Mom. we have decided that we are going to make mom clean the house of her stuff and get everything sorted to that she can live in a clean house. our idea is to do the living room, dining room, kitchen, and porch. the kitchen and dining room should not be that hard, it is the porch and living room. so if anyone has some free time and wants to be indebted to me for the rest of my life, lemme know and you can come and work with us!!!


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