
Today, Barb is feeling: harazzled

people are being dumb today. they call and treat me like dirt. i should just hang up on them all.
i am at work, if you didn't know.

so the dabate are over and i can say with resounding confidence, that bush is dumb and kerry kicked his lillywhite butt from here to the moon and back.

so halloween is just around the corner.
i need an idea.
so, we are going to play the
"you-need-to-make-a-comment" game!

comment topic -
What should Barb be for Halloween?
and the best idea and the idea that i take will have blogs devoted to them! and maybe even a picture!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, It's Crystal

First a question, How do I sign up so I am not anon anymore? Actually two questions, I still need Barbs e-mail address!!!!!!! And as far as Halloween goes.....I think you should go as a tornado! Get some black or grey sweats, use fishing line to tie on a bunch of stuff (ie. toy cars, toy farm animals, you know little toy things that a tornado would pick up.) You have to let enough of the fishing line hang down so when you spin around they all fly. it's not only cute and fun (to spin in) but it's really comfotable!! and no icky make up to wash off your face at the end of the day!!! Well there you go thats my idea for you hun! Hope you have a great day and return my calls soon!! :-P
Love me later!

Anonymous said...

Tornados are boring.. you should go as a street that has run red with the blood of the infidels. I don't know how.. but it would be good.

Also you could go as a fatigue. Again, I don't know how you would do it, but it would be good.. maybe desperation, or guilt would be a more appropriate costume.

-the JIM