
Today, Barb is feeling: feeling... feeling.... just feeling.

So if you ever feel bored and want to find an interesting blog, go here


it is a guy who is the manager at a Strip Club. now you would think, strip club, probably has lots of naked pictures and dirty stories, but the blog is surprisingly clean. granted there are mentions of the dancers, but mostly all in good taste.

i got a call from the mom today. she wanted to know where i was and if i was sober. she thought that it was possible that i have just been drinking since wednesday night since they hadn't heard from me and my blog hadn't changed. but alas, i was just busy working.
she also wanted to know about grades.
i told her that right now i have a 4.0
that is all A's.
and get this, i have 2 grades posted! that is right ladies and genltlemen, I, Barb, have 2 (count them 2) A's in one semester!!!!!

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