
so school is in full swing and it is rockin the house!

im lovin it! <-- not the mcdonalds new slogan

but yea, Senate is up and running, i am the Womens Iniatives Director.
hey! go to
and click on the free pink ribbon button and help fund free mammograms! it doesnt' take a lot of time and it will help women in need.

and guess what? i get to make buttons for breast cancer awareness month!! they are going to say, "Love your boobs" and "Save the bosoms" ! im excited about it!!!!!

classes are going well... they suck but that is to be expected.
Gender equality is coming along well and there are some TOTALLY awesome girls in there that are going to help us out.

GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) has been planniing there coming out week and so that is looking good. and dad and i are making tshirts for it, and so that is going to be fullly tastic!

and brett and cori are getting married soon, and then my good buddy liz is having a early halloween party and i have a job, and i am looking for another job, and my life is good.

so take that!!!!!!

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