
Today, Barb is: wondering why she can't be more adventerous with her life.

why can't i just say goodbye to everything and everyone and just leave.
just pick up my life and move somewhere else.
be somewhere else.
be someone else.

ever have one of those days where you just want to make a massive change and see what happens? i am having one of those days. all i want to do is quit my job, pack up my cats and room and start driving away.
but i like my job.
i like having a place called home for my cats.
i don't want to leave, but i feel like if i don't, the world is going to start crushing me.

is that weird?


Today, Barb is: sitting here with a cold nose.

for some reason my nose and hands are the coldest parts of my body for the last few days.
i could be out in the weather with only pants and a tshirt and it is always my hands and nose.

what does that mean?
bad circulation to those 2 areas? (well techincally it would be 3 areas because i have 2 hands and only one nose) what do you think?

so today is presidents day and we are open here in the banking world.
but we are REALLY slow because i don't think people know we are open. so that means it is a catch up day for all of us here.
the Federal Reserve isn't open so we have no wires, no processing, nothing! it is great.
the other really cool thing is that if we work today we get another day off later to have, so it is like i get double pay for working today. we get paid for today and then again for the other day we want off! !!!!

yeah for me!


Today, Barb is: on hold.

no really, i am sitting here on hold to Lane Bryant because I need to pay my bill but i don't want to have to pay 5 bucks to do it, so i am going to try and throw a fit and see if they will waive it for me.

well they didn't.
so i just went and paid it online.
lovely thing the internet, makes bill paying SO much easier, and no pesky stamps and paper needed.

so things are progressing nicely for me here.
looking at buying a place when the lease is up.
the boys are moving also. they are just going to be renting again it looks like.
i am torn between renting by myself for a year and then buying, or just buying right now.

it is kind of hard because i know that i don't want a single family home well, because i am not miss fix-it and neither is my dad. so it leaves either a condo or a townhome.
i found a condo that i really like, but i keep getting torn between what i want.

the condo is really nice and i wouldn't have to do a lot of painting because it is totally already me. but i haven't really found any townhomes that i would really like, i found one but it needs "work and carpeting" . I don't know what that means, and i dont think i want to!

but so yea, that is where i am right now.
i am actually getting preapproved for an amount over the weekend, and that will help alot with deciding what and where i will be looking for or if i am just going to be renting for another year.

so there ya go.
that is what is going on in my life.

guess what?
I am going to visit my cousins Stu and Mike at the end of March. I got round trip airfare for 210 but i wish i would have waited, because i could have gotten it today for 194. but a 16 buck difference itsn't that much.

so that is what i am going at the end of march and then at the end of april my friend erin and i are going to go to chicago and see Wicked and spend a long weeked there. it should be pretty fun!