
Today, Barb is: continuing upward and onward in her goal!!!!

So last night was a lot of fun.
It was the dads work retirement party since today is the last day of work for the teachers and such. there were lots of people, some food and booze flowing.
there was cake. it was good cake. it was cub cake.

i woudl say the highlight of the night was having kim and joe there. i don't really get to see them that often anymore. mainly becuase they are busy when i am not and for some odd reason, if i have plans they want to get together with the rest of the fam. but they were there last night and it was a good time to be able to see them and hang out with them.

other than that, there was a cute guy there. a little older, but i dont mind. but i guess he is big into drinking and brags all about the women he gets and so that crossed him off the list.

i am wearing my new necklace today. it is cute. i will try and find a picture of it somewhere and it i have time i will post it. also, the other necklace i got is a ducky.

i have decided that i am going to decorate my bathroom with ducky accents.
ducky shower curtain hangers
ducky bottom of the tub so your feet don't slip things
small ducky figurines that i got at a garage sale, three for 50 cents.
cute ducky, but not an over load.

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