
Today, Barb is: so hyped up on candy it isn't even funny!!!!!!!

Have you all missed me? Well, you should have darnnit!

So there is this website called Woot. go check it out if you don't know about it woot.com
I have been looking to get a portable mp3 music player. i was looking at an ipod but then woot had a brown zune for 79 bucks and then 5 bucks for shipping. it was cheap. thirty gigs. and brown. so i decided to buy it! then i got the email from woot saying that they had negative 1400 brown zunes and so i was going to get a black zune and an extra package with chargers, plugs, earphones, travel case... it was sold for a hundred bucks. so i basically got 200 bucks worth of stuff for 85 bucks! wheeeeee to woot!

But, i got my Zune last night. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! it was really fun to play with and now i have a sweet mp3 player to use on my flight down to orlando. rock me!
so, like my momma said, i must live right... and i do. i do.

have a happy halloween everybody!
i am going over to the 'rent place and help my momma hand out candy so that should be fun!
stay safe and have a good night!

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