
ahhh! such a good day! i woke up early and like went to breakfast with Stephanie, it was good! and then i went to classes and then i put together my nomination letter for Lexi becaue i nominated her for the Chancellors Award, and so i took care of that stuff and then i got to retake my test that i missed since i was sick as a dog! and that was all well and good, my prof didn't mind that much.

ahh my philosophy teacher.. he is so cool! he is from Pakistan and so he has that accent, (which i love!) and he went to school in Canada so he kinda has this half pakistany half french accent. he is so funny to listen to! he LOVES saying bloody hell, bloody and damn and scum. those are his FAVORITE words. we count some days to see how many times he says them. but yea so like my day has been going really well, and i bought some fake OJ for 87 cents so i am chuggin that like there is no tomorrow. it tastes good!

why are there stupid people on this earth? seriously, i think we need to put all the stupid people in a jet and just let them fly to the sun, kinda like on the Simpsons, ahh good times... Simpsons... now that is a high quality tv show!

ok i got a quote for you all, i found it while i was at my Gender Equality Council meeting, since i am on senate, i go to those meetings too. ok, but here goes

Never apologize
Never retreat
Never explain
Get things done and let them howl. - Nellie McClung

so yea .. its FRIDAY i love FRIDAYs , next FRIDAY will be my beginning of spring break.. it should be fun :-D i am not going anywhere, but i will be at home, so if you want to talk to me, or anything, that is where you can find me!
so this is the end of right now,
there was a baby in the Senat office earlier today, he was SO cute! i got to hold him and he fell asleep against me! but then again, i do make a good pillow!

later all!

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